More Good Stuff!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Maui, Maui... how do i love thee?

i have a few more picture of Hawaii to share.... actually i have almost 300, but do NOT worry, i won't do that to you...
This is ONE of the one lane bridges on the road to Hanna... i forget how many of these there were, too many to count! this road is impossible to describe, you have to drive it to believe it!

One of the many places to eat along the road to Hanna... or maybe not! it didn't look like it had had any customers for a while!

The beauty is hard to believe... do the people that live here see it anymore?

a sign at a road side park... just thought it was humorous.

Good thing i went to the bathroom before we left!!

These are from the luau we went to. The show was spectacular & darling daughter LOVED it.

my daughter is going to have hundreds of photo's of me looking like a dork... it's my signature pose!

the luau... everything was so GREEN here!!

i'm headed down to the art room & it's before noon... boy am i proud of myself!


Monday, February 23, 2009

Oh crap... & some good stuff too!

i am 40...

ewwww, i HATE saying that! i'm not really the type that gets my panties in a yank over age, but FORTY!? CRAP! i don't want to be 40, but i guess it's like the 1st time my cousin got her period & told her mom she wasn't going to do that again! Yeah, how's that workin' for ya seeing as how you're in your 30's (i'll be nice)? i just do NOT want to be this old... i've got good genes in the family- everyone just keeps getting older & older & OLDER- case in point: we'll be celebrating my gram's 100th birthday in July! Lucky for me, i'm not one of those people that's thinking "crap, how long till this is over" about my life on a daily basis... cause if family history tells me anything i'm gonna be around for a ~LONG~ time... i just don't want to be around for a long time OLD... ok, enough about that or i'll have to break out the mad dog for breakfast...

i saw 3 movies this weekend! i know, Entertainment Tonight will be calling me any second due to my glamorous lifestyle (& wait till they see what i wore...ha!)

Movie #1- Coraline...

ok, this is NOT a movie to take a little 5 year old girl to if they find anything a tiny bit creepy scary to them! Darling Daughter wanted to leave & spent the last 1/2 hour with her little face buried in my chest (sorry honey there aren't nicer "cushions" to rest upon...). Honestly, it was pure eye candy to ME! i ♥ 3D & just the visual aspect of this movie was very enjoyable to me. the story itself? ummm, it was ok. i could have watched it without sound & been quite happy!

Movie #2- Revolutionary Road

The mister & i wasted: $7.50 (at the cheapie movies) on tickets, $3.75 (WHAT??) for a box of STALE dried up Junior Mints (yes, i exchanged them at the end of the movie.. the new box is yet unopened in my purse after a BAD jr. mint experience during our ski trip- think an entire jumbo box melted in the side pocket of my new purse...) & 6 hours of our time! Ok, maybe the movie wasn't 6 hours, but it FELT like it! i hate that i even am showing the movie poster, but trust me - it's ALL FOR YOU!
This movie SUCKED- 'nuff said!

Hollywood redeemed itself on Saturday night with:
Movie #3- New in Town

Cute! This was just that... cute! I loved how they totally mocked US scrapbookers! ha! I love to scrapbook & have enough albums of darling daughter to give her an ego the size of Asia! but... i am also the 1st to make fun of it too! This movie was just a light funny clean cute movie! Personally, i don't care to sit & watch someone say the "F" word as many times as they possibly can or watch people get naked, but that's just me! i'm not a huge fan of Renee, i don't know what it is about her, because she's a good actress, i think it's her face (how mean am i?), it's like it's all botox'd up or something... do you notice it doesn't move? i don't know, but it kind of freaks me out.

Speaking of scrapbooking... i'm working on the HAWAII album & at the rate i'm going, i should be done by the time we go back... & if i have anything to say about it, we ARE going back! Have i mentioned how much i LOVELOVE LOVE Hawaii?? If not, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Hawaii! We took our pics to Meijer & had 263 4X6 prints made! i worked all day yesterday & got about 4 pages done... i have this thing where i never know if i should just slap 'em down so it's done or make each page a little piece of art... i know, my life is hard! ha! i'm trying to go middle of the road on each page...or maybe a little less. i want every page to be a masterpiece, but please... even I don't have that much time! here's a little peek at the mess i've got going:

1/2 my stack of pictures... HALF!

some of my tickets, brochures, maps, tickets...etc.

Well, i better go get busy. i'm also taking Elsie Flannigan's class & i'm 2 weeks behind- of course! Thankfully, they'll leave the projects & instructions online for a whole year!
Happy Monday,

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Yes, yes i've made it to Hawaii & back... back only because they found me hiding in the closet & dragged me to the airport kicking & screaming the whole way! Oh how i LOVE LOVE LOVE Maui! I would move there yesterday with only the clothes on my back.. although i'd have to unravel the sleeves from my wool sweater as it was 85 degrees when i left! If there is any way you can get there... GO!!! It made me sad to think about a time in my life when i was 27, single & had some $$ in the bank & could have moved there... funny, i never thought of it then!

here are darling daughter & myself at the airport in Detroit- Yes, the xanex was flowing thru my blood!

Here we (darling daughter in pic) are having just arrived at the Hyatt of Maui. This is the LOBBY... orchids & palm trees everywhere... so stunning my picture could never do it justice!

Our 1st Hawaiian Mai-Tai's- yum!

One part of the amazing pool! There is a bar behind the waterfall, another waterfall, a bridge & more pool!

the kiddie section of the pool where darling daughter spent every second she could!

here we are inside the waterfalls! it was SO loud!!

Some of the plants/animals on the grounds of this amazing resort!

The view from our room... Yes, that is the Pacific Ocean behind the palm trees.

Ahhhh, a sunset in Maui in a hammock with my family- it really doesn't get any better than this!

I'll post some more later, but don't worry, not all 276that i took!!

Aloha, Misschell!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Well, my blog buddies- I've got my xanex strapped to my thigh & am ready (GULP) to fly... We're off to... HAWAII!! Watch out Maui! If you're just finding my blog, don't worry, I'll be back.. back another year older, but back none the less! Yes, my friends I'm off to Hawaii AND i'm headed to FORTY!!! i swear i was 17 yesterday & now, here it is, the big 4-0!! So now i must finish packing & head out the door! If i see Dog the Bounty Hunter & Beth, I'll be sure and get a picture (& try to grab one of those feathers outta his hair... OH brother, don't get me started!!)

Check back after the 16th of Feb... I'll be here!!!

~misschell ♥♥

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


well, i've added a new background, but it seems i'm running off the edge... i'll have to check that out!

i'd love to have you leave me a COMMENT if you're reading my blog... i'm just curious if it's only the mister or if there are others of you out there! don't worry this isn't a scam to send you all kind of junk mail- i wouldn't know how to even do that!

ok, i'm off to meet with a friend for some retail therapy & maybe lunch if i

can get dressed before noon!

is this not BEAUTIFUL?? it's Mark Ryden...
his paintings!!

have a GREAT day!

Monday, February 2, 2009


I just got the nicest little note on etsy that i have one of my little houses featured here:

i was just telling the mister the other day how so often i feel like i waste hours upon hours on the computer, but when things like this happen, it makes it seem like i was doing real work! I am also VERY VERY VERY excited about another little project that just may pan out... i don't want to give out too many details, but let's just say i have been networking like crazy with other artists out there in hopes of being "noticed"!! i PROMISE i will let you know as soon as i do!

i also wanted to point out the cutest little gal from New Jersey- Lisa Kettell & her blog: Faerie Enchantment! Here is the link:

go check out her goodies! i ♥ her work & you will too! i can't wait to get her book:

Altered Art Circus!

i haven't seen it yet, but some of the other gals i "follow" are contributing artists (like Jennifer Hayslip of eyecandycreations). i'm sure it is F~A~B~U!!

Ok, i'm back to the studio... i only have about an hour before i have to grab darling daughter off the bus...

i'll leave you with a picture or 2 from my ~*wonderful*~ ski weekend (one thing this Michigan weather is GREAT for!!). If you ever get the chance- head to Crystal Mtn- it really is beautiful! Make sure you ask for the Moutain TOP condo & ski right out your door!


Yes, that is pink camo... straight from the kids dept!

& we were even in the turquoise one & you know how i ♥ turquoise!!

This kind of weekend goes ~WAY~ too fast...