More Good Stuff!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Easter cuteness...

i promised i'd be back with a couple (yep, just 2... so far) Easter cuties that i found: i found this one after Easter last year on a Clearance table & couldn't imagine why it was there?! Not that i don't love a good clearance, but sometimes (more so with clothes) i think "if no one else wanted it, why would i?" but this... i HAD to have! i love how it looks like an old vintage decoration and all for only $7!! paper mache, crepe paper AND glitter?!
Then this one i just found Saturday night when we were out & knew , just like last year, i HAD to have it! Seriously, a bunny riding a chick & holding a chick head on a stick?!! Does it get any cuter? i think not!


Glittery AND Vintage looking...

Ok, i hope you enjoyed this tiny bit of eye candy, i'm off to make some more goodies... i've been on a real creative spurt & am so excited to be creating again!!! Have a great day, it's totally grey here... a perfect day to make art!

Monday, March 30, 2009

MSU & Monsters

Don't get me wrong, i'm not a sports fan by any stretch of your imagination, but... basketball, i can't help myself & i mean that literally. It all started over 40 years ago when i was conceived in INDIANA by 2 Hoosiers! So, even though i was born & raised in Michigan... i can't help the whole basketball thing! I don't watch very often, & would much rather see a live game than one on tv, but... if it's on, i'll watch & that's saying a lot. Football- NO thanks, i HATE it! I've been known to take a gander at a golf game if Tiger is playing, but i'd rather play that one myself. I was a runner & hope to be one again- you know with the whole "40" thing & all. I don't know what it is, but you can be thin & then you turn 40 & when you run to get the mail you feel something moving around on your butt, then you realize it IS your butt... it moves??!! what in the world??, but i'm telling you... it does!

So here are daughter & i below in our MSU gear cheering our team on! Darling daughter decided she must do total green from headband to rubber boots! Ok, it's not MSU green, but it's green & that's what counts when you're 5 (and 1/2!!).

Fridays are our "Mother/Daughter Day" since she doesn't have school. I've been on a real creative roll but hate to NOT spend time with her when she is home, so i try to stay out of my studio on Friday's! We headed out EARLY, like by 11:13 AM!!!! for the 11:45 showing of "Monsters VS Aliens" in 3-D!! I must say, it really was CUTE & funny & 3-D, what isn't to love about 3-D!!???!
Darling Daughter is wearing a candy necklace, so during the movie i can hear her chewing & munching on that in addition to our giant pretzel. After the movie we headed to Toys R Us. As we're walking up to the door she zips her coat ALL the way up & when i ask her why she says: she doesn't want the other kids eating her candy necklace. Really, i say, you think kids are going to come up & just start chewing on the candy around your neck? She says "well, they could". I don't know what this thing is with her where she feels like her things will be violated by other children. Maybe it's an "only child" thing? Or maybe it's just her... Anyway, she loves that video game they have on display at the toy store- you play by riding some little bike thing... we were there WAY too long. I hate the store where we live, it's dirty & i swear they have the nastiest bathroom in the entire city! I feel like i need a hazard suit to go in... just think of all those unsupervised kids peeing & doing God knows what else in there... UGH, it could bring the germ-a-phobe in anyone come out!!!

On Saturday the 3 of us went shopping & i'll have some Easter goodies to show you tomorrow... hang with me, i'm going to get some more pictures to post! I also finally finished my English pals CHRISTMAS exchange.... go ahead, throw tomatoes & call me a SLACKER! i admit it, i suck at deadlines & that is why i hope to never have to return to a "real" workplace, who would want me? I'll post some pics of the exchange AFTER it arrives in London since i don't want to spoil this anymore than i have...

Off to the grocery store 'cause i'm glamerous like that...


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

the HEAVY backpack, the giant book & other tragedies...

i've been fighting (& i thought winning) the battle of "The Gunk", but alas, i've given in to it... i went to the Dr. yesterday & got an antibiotic, it was FREE at Meijer... FREE????!!! So i went thru their craft aisle & made up for it!

This morning i woke up at 2:33AM, maybe it's because i was asleep somewhere around 9:30 last night?! I laid there for a while then got up & watched "Anne of Green Gables", man am i glad i wasn't born in that era "Anne mind your skirt near the buggy wheel"... Plus the formality of it all... ugh! Anyway, i watched that then flipped around thru anal cleansing & houses for $300 & some guy that can show you how to make $$ while you're asleep using the Internet... REALLY? Thankfully i was too lazy to get my phone, i'm a sucker for those fast talkers & i had the rotating mascara wand to prove it! Yeah, save your $, that thing rotates so slow, it took a month of Sundays to get enough goop on my lashes! So i went back & watched the show "That's clever" (hahaha, i just typed cleaver) that i DVR everyday. At 5:00 i decided i'd had enough TV & headed down to my art room to work on a little photo album for darling daughters friend that is moving back to Japan tomorrow. By 7 i was done with that & headed up to start the "get ready for school crap". I have NO idea how anyone with more than one child can actually get them to the bus stop on time... She's 5, so it's not like we're doing major hair-dos or make-up or fighting over outfits! BUT.... today she's wearing 3/4 sleeves & that is just a horrible thing, because, apparently they pull up when she puts on her coat & that is just UN acceptable! I pretend i don't notice as i snap her rain coat & get her into her rubber "bug" boots. The backpack... OH THE BACKPACK, that is TOO heavy today & her library book (which i am quite sure was the biggest book in the entire library) way too large for her to carry, oh wait... she has on tights too & therefore, she can barely walk.... It's a hard day for darling daughter! Now, in her defense she is TINY! My daughter, if you don't know, is adopted from China & is pretty teeny- at 5 1/2 she is just barely into a 4T. I get her to the car (i'm carrying the VERY -haha, HEAVY backpack & the giant book) but she "can't" lift her leg to get into the car because of the tights. Deep breaths Misschell.... deep breaths. I load her, the giant book & the HEAVY backpack into the bug & drive over to the next drive where she catches the bus. When the bus pulls up she grabs the backpack but forgets the GIANT book (it's library day & i'm always the mom who forgets to return the books on time, so dang it, today she is NOT leaving it in the car), i'm yelling her name out the window and I don't know if she heard me for sure but i think as she started for the bus she realized she was carrying the HEAVY backpack & she just couldn't do it, so she turns around & heads back to the car. I'm yelling "here take your book, take it!!!" and she's looking like a deer in the headlights & is trying to get back IN the car. She's saying "i can't do it, i can't do it..." Now at this point all the kids are ON the bus & the bus driver is just sitting there with his stop sign out waiting on darling daughter. I yell "go get on that bus, he's waiting for you", i strap the backpack on her back & tell her to carry the book like a baby. She heads off wiping her tears on her rubber rain coat & i feel like a real SH*T! She's tiny, i feel bad... but then... i notice she gets up on that bus with no problem even though that first step is giant AND she's wearing tights, has the HEAVY backpack on her back & the giant book in her arms.... hmmmm? By this time i'm whipped and feel HORRIBLE so i lay down on the couch & wake up at 11! I'm headed into the school to pick her up today, i just hope she's survived the 3/4 sleeves, the tights, the HEAVY backpack & the giant book- thank goodness that sucker is going back today, i hope she gets a paperback!
Some fun "i'm an artist" rings i did the other day:

have a great day!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy "cutie~cupcake" Monday!!

Don't fall over, but i am actually posting several pictures AND updating my etsy shop: chinamommy... it's been forever. i have been in a total funk, not making anything, neglecting my blog and just being a general putz! I've actually been working on my photo album from our Maui trip & have somewhat obsessed with getting it done. i guess i have some trouble switching my brain from scrapbooking to other art... the scrapbook still isn't totally done, but i HAD to take a break from those 276 pictures...
So, I've got new cupcakes AND some Easter themed "bucket babies"... here we go:
This 1st cupcake was totally inspired by Lisa Kettell (author of: Altered Art Circus, which i am ANXIOUSLY awaiting!!). The little circus girl is from clipart she offered on her blog: Make sure you check out her fabulous art and blog!
I took the image and then altered it myself... The flower is trimmed in *REAL* silver glitter, feathers, beads, mini-mirrors, and pom-poms finish her off... and it's all sitting atop a vintage jello-o tin ♥ruffle trim & mini mirrorsvintage jello tinFairy Cake!
vintage image & vintage rhinestones in a vintage tin!she's holding a little garland of sequins

A couple of "NEW" ideas... bucket babies! Vintage girl images in a little Easter bucket - each has a jar of "jelly beans" & some "Easter eggs".
Ethel in her Sunday Best!

♥Bunny girl♥
Hope you enjoy!! Have a great Monday! I'll even be back again... I'm really going to try & post NO LESS than once a week...feel free to call me on that if i miss!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sunshine Day-aaaaaaa

Ok, did you sing the title just like the Brady Bunch did? I've been singing that song all morning ("Sunshine Day, aaa, Sunshine Day") because here in crappy Michigan (sorry, i'm not over Maui yet... nor will i ever be.... did ya hear that Mister? ☺) we HAVE SUNSHINE!!! REAL sunshine!!!! It's amazing what some shine can do to your (ok, MINE) attitude!

I just want to share a few "good things":
Have you had these?

LOFTHOUSE cookies!!!!!!!!!! i seriously can't quit eating them... see how i RIPPED the sticker right off the box, believe me i could hardly take the picture before devouring them... oh wait, i did eat some, i see the empty slots.... haha! GO NOW & get some... then you can hate me later when you've eaten the entire box!!

Then the fabulous Miss Crafty Juliet (Little Miss Crafty) made me these darling goodies!

Go check out her etsy store & her blog!! She is one talented chickie!!

i found this bird-cage at my fav store: Hobby Lobby! & no, i am NOT getting a bird! i, personally, am a fan of keeping animals on the OUTSIDE! I've been having a little bit of trouble finding "stuff" that is my style & in the New COLORS i've picked out for our home... but the birdcage fits the bill! The only thing that needs fixed- the legs! I'm going to have to repaint those more of a red to go with our furniture...not a big fan of the bologna color! and speaking of repainting... I need to repaint (yeah, yeah, the MISTER needs to repaint- haha!!) the: Master bedroom, Master bathroom, front entry & the kitchen, dining, and living room. Then we can start on the lower level...

and another "HAPPY"... PINK no less!! need i say more?

and then... this!! Nothing can make you happier than your little girl all in pink, wearing Barbie roller skates in the *RARE* Michigan sunshine!!

Have a great day, i'm headed down to my studio- i have been SO motivated this week & am working like a dog down there! Enjoy the sun & go watch that video!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

My poor, poor blog... so neglected! I just haven't felt good & so i haven't really been doing anything to post about... I hope to get something done today, so here's a little bit O' green for ya in the meantime (all found on
By Greenbriar for $27...cute, hun?

Print by mywireempire $12

Necklace by: Smashing

Cute print $85 by: GollyBard

Monday, March 9, 2009


i had some pictures to share of my own, but after messing for almost an hour & not being able to get them into a folder & loading then i GAVE UP! here are some random cuties that are all available on
if you want to see more go to etsy & type in the name i've put next to each picture. hope you enjoy & have a great day!
puggy stickers by maustudio

by: Angelheartdesigns

These crack me UP! Check them out in the store: emandsprout

Cute stickers by yaelfran... she has lots of other cute stuff in her store on etsy!

by loulouandoscar, now that's CUTE!

By maryjudy... LOVE these colors!!

Granny Smith apples by EternalSunshine

Little caged fairy by Lenae on etsy.

Print by TummyMountain on etsy

this is one that isn't on etsy anymore, it's sold, but make sure you check her out at sweeteyecandycreations
Happy Monday♥

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My Red Velvet Art "Pretty" Scrapbook

This is the "color me happy" scrapbook project i just finished for the online art class i'm taking. this, of course, was one of the 1st projects & i'm JUST now finishing it... what else is new!? i'm about 10 projects behind, but thankfully Rachel & Elsie are leaving the projects up for a whole year! Hope you enjoy, i'm finished cleaning my house & headed down to "the art room"... maybe i can catch up on some of the other projects :)

have a *~GREAT~* day!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

yep, i'm really 40...

Let me preface this by just stating i know, I KNOW... i am terribly spoiled but because i am aware of it & willing to admit it, i'll fill you in on the drama of turning 40. i -of course- had terribly high expectations, but really... is it too much to ask that the mister rent Disney & have Tom Selleck deliver my new White Range Rover (with camel leather trimmed in black) to me in front of the Princess Castle, i mean it WAS my 40th.... apparently it was(too much to ask for)! My birthday was the day AFTER we returned from an amazing trip to Hawaii (have i mentioned how bad i want to go back, how much i love Maui, or how much i hate the weather in MI?) which was a Tues. i was home alone all day. When the mister returned from work he & darling daughter gave me roses....6? i wasn't real sure what 6 was, i had just received an email from an old friend saying he remembered his mom turning 40 & his dad giving her 40 roses! So anyway i put my PINK (i hate RED roses) roses in a vase & the 3 of us head to my FAVORITE FAVORITE place to eat! It's a Japanese steakhouse where they cook on the grill at your table. It's the kind of place where i want to puke 1/2 way thru my meal so i can clear a spot & continue to gorge! As we turn into the parking lot, there is a *NEW* Range Rover pulling in - i yell "oh my gosh, there's my present", but then i realize it's BURNT ORANGE.... there is NO way the mister is spending that kind of $$ & getting me the wrong color, so i realize it's just another person ready to eat their body weight in fried rice & meat. We pig out & head home... have you noticed i haven't opened a gift or mentioned friends?.... yeah, i did too! We get home & the mister says "well, i better get going, i've got pool tonight" (he's on a pool league) & off he goes leaving darling daughter & i to whoop it up by watching "American Idol" in our bed... Ok, yeah, i'm miffed, what can i say IT'S MY FORTIETH!!!!!!!!! I WANT PRESENTS, I WANT FRIENDS, I WANT DECORATIONS.... I then realize he's waiting for the weekend to SURPRISE me with a huge party, right?! Darling daughter goes to her grandma's that weekend & on Saturday night the mister asks if i want to go eat & see a movie. A movie... wink, wink... IT'S MY PARTY, i just know it!!! So we go to the Macaroni Grill & he says "2 for non smoking" & i'm like "yeah 2...." i'm all dressed up in my cute new hot pink wool jacket with the giant buttons, i fixed my hair & i'm thinking i look not too bad even if i do have to be 40. i'm kind of peeking around checking the tables waiting to lay my eyes on my PARTY. They call us in & there we go... right to a table for 2!! 2?? "i'll take a Merlot!" So the next morning we head to church (i need to pray for my behavior, obviously!). On the way home i can't take it anymore, the tears start flowing- giant crocodile tears! i'm blubbering & sniffing & blowing my nose (i know, i'm sexy like that!) & when the mister asks "what's wrong honey?", i can't do anything but hold up my tiny frail hand, wave it gently & shake my head, overcome with grief, i can't speak.... don't you feel sorry for me? hahahahahahahaha!!! i must admit, it was a very dramatic moment, ranks right up there with some sappy scene from the movie "Titanic"! i'm crying how it was my 40th & i had no presents, & there were no friends, & now it was over, & it was too late & it was MY FORTIETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The mister doesn't say a word... perhaps he was scared? So, this goes on all week... well, i don't cry, but i just have this general sadness that my 40th was NO BIG DEAL & it just hurts. On Friday, i get an email from the mister asking if i'd like to go out to a local Mexican place with a couple we know (he works with the husband, but i don't know then that well.). When the mister gets home i greet him with news that it's just too late to fix my birthday & that i love him & i forgive him but dont' plan anything now, it is just TOO LATE & let's forget it - i see a look on his face that i take to mean "thank God she's done with that". 5 min before we are leaving darling daughter comes in & says "i have a secret surprise". Now this girl has been given a long talking to about "secrets" & how we do NOT keep them from mom- i've seen those news shows where perverts get kids to keep terrible secrets! Soooo, she is in my room with me saying "it's a secret.... wanna know?" & has this sneeky grin on her sweet little face. She informs me my friends Bob & Michelle are going to be there... i, of course, take this to mean he's trying to make up for my birthday by inviting friends of MINE to eat with us too... The 3 of us head over to the resturant & as we walk in... i see it...


Yes, he'd been planning it all along, but wanted to make sure it was on a weekend that darling daughter was home with us. Here i was whining & crying to all my friends who were then telling him & probably snickering over what a rotten, spoiled friend they had! My friends are there, there are decorations, presents & a drink as big as my head- what more could i ask for... ok, what more could I ask for???... haha! At this point i realize i have the best husbad in the world!!! Later he told me "a lesser man would have folded under the pressure". He knew if he could just make it to the date he had set up, it would all be good (& it was!!). AND, just for the record: he did give me a gift to OPEN... diamond earrings!

they had decorated with pictures of me from HIS 50th surprise party, which was a 70's theme, he even had my picture on my cake...

the funniest part though- they come out, put the hat on you & sing happy birthday while dotting whipped cream on your nose & chin...

Thankfully, one of the guys brings a napkin so you can wipe your face off....
too bad it's FULL of whipped cream!!

All's well, that ends well!

Thanks to my friends for coming & thanks to my *WONDERFUL* husband for putting up with me & loving me more every day... "you're the best!"

Tomorrow i'm going to post some pictures of the 2 projects i have done for my "Pretty" class that i'm taking online with Elsie Flannigan (see her personal blog above: a beautiful mess). i got a late start & i just haven't ever caught up, but i what i have done so far: a "color me happy" scrapbook & a jersey scarf.

Have a great day!!
