More Good Stuff!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Re-Cap

I'm happy to report no "wanna be celeb's" crashed our Thanksgiving! Which goes to show if the President would surround himself with Amish, it would have never happened! My parents are surrounded by Amish & nothing like that happens at their place.
I did a horrible job photo documenting our family event... Do you know what I got a picture of? This:
That's right, I took a picture of this box 'cause, well... it cracked me up! I love to jog on a mini tramp looking like one! Aren't those VELCRO shoes cool? Were they ever? The underwear over the tights? A look I'm proud I never took part in- yeah, I had legwarmers & giant sweaters, but underpants over outerpants? NEVER! That "man", that kid?
So, let's review: I took no pictures of the food, the house, the family or the kids, but i DID get a picture of a box from the 80's that houses a mini tramp! AND... why was this box in my parents kitchen during Thanksgiving?
Ok, enough of Thanksgiving because apparently is was uneventful...although delicious.
I got this advent calendar last year at the "1/2 off Target after Christmas sale". I thought it was UGLY, but knew with a little love, glitter, & glue it could redeem itself.
This is what it looked like yesterday:
I decided I was going to paint each little door, so I had to sand all the shiny paint off... ugh! I hate the work part, I'd rather just get down to the glitter part! As I was sanding I got to thinking how tedious it was going to be to paint each little door & how hard it was going to be to keep the trim between each door black, so....
I sanded each door then painted the whole thing black & cut some 2" squares from my scrapbooking papers. Mod-Podge to the rescue!! I love how I've had all year to do this but decided to start it yesterday when I need to start the countdown Tuesday! See the pink blur in the top right corner of the picture below? That's Teddy the Yorkie in his new PINK winter coat. I think he's running so his buddies don't see him & make fun of his coat.
I've got a pile of "stuff" pulled to glue on the doors & top... I can't wait to see what I come up with because if you know me, you know I have NO plan at this point! I'm a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kinda gal!
Today is my 1st crochet class... can you flunk a class at JoAnne's? I better run- literally! I have to go get my run in then run to my class & I've got a sick kid. My *~WONDERFUL~* Mister is going to come home from work so I can take my class.
Wish me luck! I'll report back tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I'm outta here....

My 1st crochet class is this next Monday so in honor of crochet (& because I'm flying by the seat of my pants today for blog material)... let me introduce this little doll from etsy: owlishly. Make sure you check out her store if you're into these cuties! She sells the patterns, but I believe she'll make them for you too! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family...Gobble, Gobble!!!

LOVE this little strawberry girl... too~too cute!!!
Cuteness, no? I really hope i love this crochet class ...

Monday, November 23, 2009

Cupcakes & Diamond Rings...

I couldn't say a peep last week, but this past Friday was a wonderful, fabulous, long-time-coming, fantastic, joyous PARTY!!
Yes, yes...those are horns coming out of the top of my head- cause I'm all devilish! And... the weird pose I've got? It looks like I have this long body & tiny short legs- when in reality the 4' 11 3/4" that i do have is mostly legs...It's not much, but being this short, I am glad I don't have the long body short leg thing going on! I also seem to be suffering from hip dysplasia (yeah, that's spelled wrong but even spellcheck didn't know what the heck I was talking about) .. but how about those fuchsia tights?
Oh HOW flippin' excited was I when this doll said "Oh, i recognize you from your blog", who just peed right there on the floor? Whose head blew up like a t
Thanksgiving day parade float? Who is going to have to pay an extra baggage charge next time she flys due to her giant ego?
Oh Candy-Cane girl, you made my night... no, make that my entire holiday season!
Oh yeah, this PARTY.... Yes, yes... let me quit talking about myself for a second-albeit hard for me! This party was for my cousin (Yes, the famous author Naughty Nurse *see previous post for the autobiography she wrote about ME). November 20th was her birthday AND the night her DARLING boyfriend POPPED the question! Thankfully I caught that, 'cause you know i just typed POOPED the question.... Anyway, she said YES!!! He had taken her out to dinner & then asked her where they both went to HS (back in the 80's-no they were NOT high school sweet hearts). It is wonderful, fabulous & perfect- we are all over the moon for these 2!
Now, let me tell you what a doll this man is: after he asked, he brought her back to the country club in town where he had planned a SURPRISE birthday/engagement party! I think he got her:
My pictures are horrible, but I think you can see how surprised & blown away by this party she was! See that glimmer? That is the beautiful diamond ring he bought for her... Do I have a good picture? Nope, but it's gorgeous!
Here I am with Naughty Nurse! How much do i love this girl? Neither of us have a sister, so I guess we're about as close to that as you can get being 1st cousins! This is one of the sweetest, most thoughtful gals you're ever going to meet... No silly, not ME... HER!
Naughty Nurse, if you're reading: I love you like a sister & am thrilled beyond words that:
your love has come at last...
dang, wish we'd have brushed our hair!
Here they are with his guys!
So, it was a wonderful, wonderful Friday night!

Ok, I think I told you I was in a Christmas show (Beneath the Tree) & decided 24 hrs before it started to be involved... Well, I did pretty well- I sold 7 of my cutie-cupcakes! The 10 I have left with be in my etsy shop:
Here is my Teddy Bear Cutie~Cupcake still available.
So, is anyone getting their home decorated for CHRISTmas?... I'm thinking I'll start pulling things out today or tomorrow.... The Mister started the outdoor lights yesterday, but you know 1/2 of them didn't work- of course! I reminded him that was part of the joy of outdoor decorating!
Have a great day & if you're not a follower- join my cult- we have cupcakes!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

later tators!

As a peace offering, I'm offering up this ADORABLE little fawn picture! Everyone now: Awwwwwwwwwww!!!
Why a peace offering? Cause I've got my plate overloaded in a way I haven't done in several years- thank goodness!! and there is NO time to blog!!!
I have GOT to get my Rx filled for my asthma med & of course, i'm out, there are NO refills left, my cell won't connect to my Dr. & it takes them 2-3 days to refill Rx's and it's Friday...
I am going to show that Walgreens Pharmacist my boobs if i have to to...i have GOT to have my meds!
So, i'm off like a prom dress but will have LOTS of great things to share Monday & that, my friends... is a PROMISE!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Beneath the Tree

Oh girls.... guess what I've done? Yesterday I went with my friend, cheekygreen to help her set up for a show in the Grand Rapids, MI area called "Beneath the Tree". It's a show where artists have their goods in BEAUTIFULLY decorated homes. The house cheekygreen is in, is ADORABLE! I was totally gawking at this gals beautiful home & just generally chit-chatting her up. I asked if she was an artist, & yes, she was but wasn't putting anything in the show since she was hosting this year. I kept saying "Oh, I should have done this" & she says "well, do you want to?"... So next thing you know it's midnight last night & i'm working like the mad hatter making cutie~cupcakes, business cards & a sign... I left at 1:00 this afternoon to get my things over to her house. I am TOTALLY whipped... I didn't get any pictures & am so bummed! Cheekygreen is suppose to get pictures for me- so I hope to have something to show you... Ok, I have to run get darling daughter from the bus stop & the Mister is grabbing pizza 'cause this girl is BEAT! I've been livin' too good & this rush of madness killed me.... go ahead, say it: i'm a WIMP!!! haha!! We'll chat tomorrow, once I recover :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

crochet mania!

I've wanted to learn to crochet ever since I saw this book...
so I bought some yarn:
and some books...
& the necessary hooks...
aren't the plastic ones PRETTY!!??
I read the books, I watched these great video's on youtube & NOTHIN'! I can make a mean chain, but I have too many questions & no one to ask! I went to Joanne's & got their class schedule & when I added up the 2 classes I wanted to take it was $75! Hmmm.... at the rate I bore of things I wasn't sure I wanted to spend $75 on 2 classes or just put it toward a great pair of boots. Oh yeah, I already have all these supplies... so I went back to Joanne's & what do you know, they were having 1/2 off all classes- so I signed up for the 2 I wanted! The 1st class is just the basics & then the 2nd class is the Granny Square class & that's a good thing because you'll notice one of the books I got was "101 Granny Squares"! Look out because everyone I know will soon be sporting a granny square vest & isn't it the granny square stitch that you use to make those cool beer can hats? I think my MOM would look awesome in one of these!!
I went to flickr & typed in "crochet"... Look at all the adorable things people are making!!
pea-pod by AnaPaulaRimoli
egg by avoirect
doll by ElisabethD's
dolly hats by EmilySzettella
flowers by HollandFabricHouse
Bitty bears by jojoling
babies by knittingturnip or
scarf by LidiaLuz (her stuff is AMAZING!!)
Necklace also by the talented LidiaLuz!
Awww, you know I love the little Asian girl by PlanetaAmigurumi
cats by stripeyblue
bowl by thecrocheteer (isn't it amazing??)
My 1st class is Nov 30th... I hope I don't flunk!
Do you crochet? Knit? What projects are you working on or do you just have a 1/2 finished blanket from 1974 like my Grandma! She started some throw that was made with 100's of separate leaves... My mom took it over about 20 years ago, I've never heard from that blanket again...

One woman's trash is another woman's treasure...

No, not really.... it's still trash!
This past Saturday the mister & i headed over to this.... this salvage place. This place has more junk than you can imagine- i wish i would have taken a picture of the grocery cart FULL of the ugliest, scuzziest stuffed animals ever! Nope- nothing old & vintage & ratty looking, just pure grossness! So why were we here?....
Remember we re-did our front entry way? Well, those CHEAP oak doors have GOT TO GO! I want to replace them with vintage doors, & no, I don't want them to match! I'd been to this salvage lot before & knew it was the place to go for doors...
This place is a huge salvage lot that tears down old homes & buildings so they have a lot of everything you can image! This is an entire room full of old tin ceiling tiles... some are a bit rusty...
I wish I had a wide angle lens (or at least i think that's what I would need) to get a picture of this "room", more like an entire building FULL of every kind of door you can imagine. Doors on both sides of the room & this is a HUGE room! Our problem is going to be getting doors that fit! Apparently the mister had NO idea what he was getting into & really didn't have as many measurements as he needed to get the right fit. Geesh, i though you could just grab a door & it would fit... NOPE!
This picture really didn't turn out since i was taking it into light & now I can't delete it... See that box of lights? That was just one of I have no idea how many- they had these lights in every size you can imagine & by the thousands!

shelves of...? JUNK!
And lookie lookie who i found hanging out in the the salvage yard... Jesus! I found him over by the candy bins... Who knew!
toilet anyone?
where's the TP? Look how proud i am on the big-girl potty!! and you may notice I'm wearing my gay man's glasses... I had to get the new ones re-fitted! They fell off every time i looked down.
Well, I will end this post on a crappy note (ba da bing!)...
we got NOTHIN'!
The mister is going to get that tape measure out again, take exact measurements & we'll head back soon! I'll be sure to keep you posted on my door hunt!
Happy Tuesday, I'm headed down to my new love... the treadmill! I've been so good about it & hope to even do some 5K's or more... I love it, I love it, I love it (that's positive self-talk folks!!)

Monday, November 16, 2009


I started this really funny post about a book my cousin wrote for me when we were kids, but i just realized if i don't get in the shower NOW, I'm not going to make it on time for my dentist appt! I'll get to it late this afternoon (cause I'm having a coffee date with a friend later on....)... It's so cute, can't wait to share!!