More Good Stuff!!

Baby Hat Drive for children in China...

As most of you know, I adopted my PRECIOUS little daughter from China in 2004.  She is the love of my life and I can't help but think of all the kids left behind in China.  In the fall of 2010 we (my readers, my Mom, and myself) donated around 50 hats to an orphanage in China.  I sent along a one-time-use-camera with a hope and a prayer.... and what do you know? They sent pictures of the kids in their hats!!
 This donation touched the hearts of so many that I've decided to do it every year.  I take donated (WINTER) hats ALL year round - handmade OR store bought!!  I'll take sizes from infants to teens.  Please consider sending a donation of .50 per hat to help with shipping (it is EXPEN$IVE!!).  If you'd rather just donate some dough/cash/moolah/ there is now a PAYPAL button on the top left side of my blog!  EVERY single cent will go towards hats and shipping!!!!  Donate ANY $$ amount you'd like, every penny helps (and every dollar helps more!).  
And now...check out these little faces and see why we do this:
 scroll to the bottom for shipping address and more info

 seriously, how sweet are these babies!?

 did you ever know a hat could make a kid so happy?

Hats can be sent to me ALL year round (and then I ship them out to China at the very end of summer/1st part of fall).
Please send a hat/hats (and consider a donation of .50/$1 per hat) to:
D. Shellenbarger
Attn: chinamommy
146 E Main
Caledonia, MI 49316
**Feel free to blog about this, share it with your knit/crochet groups or shout it from your rooftop**
If you have ANY questions, please email me at: