More Good Stuff!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fly me to the Moon in 3-D!!

Tonight I'm going to take some pictures of where "the magic" happens.... or at least the art & crafting happens... I'll post those art room pictures later & you can see inside the mind of a nut :).

Here are some pictures from that new 3-D movie: "FLY ME TO THE MOON", LOVED it!!! Darling daughter wasn't so sure she wanted to go since she, unlike me, doesn't like to draw attention to herself & thought by wearing those weird glasses everyone would be looking at her (I dream of moments like that, whereas, she dreads them....). We assured her EVERYONE would be wearing the glasses & so therefore, no one would be remotely interested in her eye wear... The movie is really cute, although being the visual person I am, I don't even know if i would have liked it or not if it wasn't in 3-D.... I was so awe-struck by the 3-D'ism (a word i'm sure I just made up) i didn't notice the story line very much. If you know me well at all you'll know when you see it, my favorite part was the "fly home and village"... these darling little dollhouses the fly's have taken over..... so cute! I just had to keep pushing the vision of fly's sitting on a giant pile of dog crap out of my mind & watch them walk around the cute little dollhouses telling myself they had germ free feet :)

The "man"friend

I've had a few requests (& 1 from "the man" himself) to prove his hair no longer (haha) looks like it does in the only pictures posted of him here... So, without any further hair-dooo, here he is:

along with the darling daughter... Can you tell she's a bit smitten with this guy too? True Love, I tell ya! Since she really is the one that met him & "picked him out", she feels very proud of herself. As her mother, i'm hoping she has better picking skills then I ever did at picking a mate... so far, she's off to a great start!!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

My ovaries seem to be everyone's business...

I was telling (actually i was typing it because it was on facebook, which i've developed a bit of an addiction to) a friend the other day this story & thought "i have got to blog this, it's just too priceless".

Last winter when i still owned the pizza shop (Oh thank God that is gone...) I was headed to my accountants with Kennedy (darling daughter) in the car & we're running late (of course) & I've fed her nothing for breakfast (of course) & so i make a decision to head into the Burger King drive-thru so i can get a "healthy" breakfast for my darling daughter & a coffee for myself (what is it about BK coffee?? so stinkin' good- 2 creams, thank you!). I'm at the 1st booth to hand over my $ & the gal with the "oh-so-cool" headset on says "Oh is your daughter adopted?" actually she whispers the word "adopted" - this cracks me up, people whispering "adopted", it's 2008 people, "adopted" isn't a secret anymore & besides, my kid is Chinese... I don't think I'm going to fool her into thinking she somehow came from my uterus, or vagina or wherever the heck babies come from... YUCK! So anyway, I say "yes, she was born in China" to which girl genius replys "China? CHINA?" (did she think perhaps i found her in Chicago in Chinatown?). I say "Yep, China, China, I went there myself to get her". Now we've known each other about 12 - 20 seconds, so we're tight & she's feeling cozy with me (i guess...) and now she says "I think that's so cool when people adopt... why did you is something WRONG with you?"... OMG!! I am not even joking!! I wanted to say to her "you bet there's something wrong with me, when is your break & how much time do you get because this ain't gonna be a 30 second story" then i realize by "something wrong with me" she means my "woman parts". How can i blame her for being so bold, we're close, i've given her my personal order for breakfast, i've given her my $4 & we've spent to much time chatting.... Luckily for this girl I have more than a great sense of humor... & besides I never wanted to give birth so whether or not the parts south of the border work... what the hell do i care?! So... instead of making her feel like the idiot she seems to be (or is she just an extreme "people person"... you decide) I cheerfully chuckle & tell her the truth "nope, nothing wrong, I just always wanted to adopt". I drive to the 2nd window, get my coffee & my sweetie's breakfast & away we go to the accountant to find out how much in the hole we are now.... Ahhh, good times my friends, GOOD times!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

ahhhh, & grrrrr...

Ahhhh- I have finally loaded "the" banner pictures & Grrrrr- I just don't seem to be able to layout my posts like I'd like to... I wanted a little blurb between photo's but it's still just too complicated for this little gal! "Little Gal" that is what my manfriend (I just can't call him "boy"friend, he just turned 50 for cryin' out loud...) calls me & since the rest of us are SOOOOOOOO (hee, hee) much younger than him it just cracks us up! What a good sport this guy is...

So, I've had the MAJOR awakening to the fact that there are SOOOO many "others" like me out there! I'm finding that i could spend my entire day just reading blogs by other artists/artists-mom's/& just plain "outside the box" thinkers. Boy, my world was pretty small! If only we could make an entire state just for us & if we do... may I suggest HAWAII?! The only problem I see is that if everyone else is as unorganized as i am & poor at math... it could be total chaos!

I found this fabulous book of boxes at the very fabulous TARGET (one of my true LOVES). Not only is it fabulous it was on CLEARANCE & I am totally in love with that guy - Clearance! Tons of little punch out 2 sided boxes! ok, there, I got the picture a LITTLE more in the spot I wanted... See that beautiful little red sticker on the bottom right? Yep, clearance! Why did I buy this? Well, when I opened my etsy store I had this idea that IF & WHEN I ever sold something I'd throw it in the mail... that delusion was quickly thrown out when I saw what the fabulous Danielle Thompson was doing for packaging for her etsy shop (tiny bazaar). You can see what I mean on her blog... BROTHER! I am obsessed with what this woman is doing (in a non-stalkerish freakish way!!). I remember her when she submitted pages to scrapbooking magazines & totally fell in love with her style, one of those ladies that should totally live in my artist state of Hawaii!! So, anyway, I quickly realized that a pendant wrapped in tissue paper & thrown in a zip-lock wasn't going to cut the mustard. Don't think for a sec. these boxes are the solution to the "perfect packaging", but... for now it will work - ESPECIALLY since I've never sold anything in my shop! ha! But seriously, I am not going to be upset (yet), I just haven't had the time to devote to totally working the shop. On Sept. 2nd my darling will head to kindergarten & then i have dreams of being SUPER CRAFTER...
WOW, what a long post, I'm so proud of myself & possibly the only one reading it... make me famous, pass my blog on to everyone you know!! They will love & thank you! Oh, i kill me!
Have a great day & go make some art...

Friday, August 15, 2008

painting, painting & more painting...

So, after years & years of NOT painting i've started again! i had an art prof. that wasn't very supportive of me (to say the least) & made me a nervous wreck. He was very into drawing & painting & made me believe I couldn't do either. I really haven't had any idea of what i'm good at, but have had thousands of ideas spinning in my head. I told myself the other day to "release the freak"... haha! I guess it worked because i've got 2 partially finished paintings that will eventually end up as prints in my etsy shop ( Here's a little preview... Hmm, i guess i should load the pictures 1st then type... i am still learning this blog thing, i meant to have the pictures below my typing, but here it is... hope you enjoy!
Have a great weekend. Next week I'll be posting the felt banner I made :)
Off to the art room.....

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

THE party....

Ahhhh, finally the summer party planning is OVER! David's surprise party was a great success & by "success" I mean, He was TOTALLY surprised!!! The 70's theme was SO fun, even if there were only a FEW of us in costume- we now know who the "FUN" people are!! :) David & I (for those of you that don't know us...) are the couple on the right. Disco balls, orange & yellow table clothes, lava lamps, owl napkin holder, brown & orange fabric on the walls, wicker tables... pure tacky, pure fun! Now it's 3 days after the party and I am STILL cleaning up... ugh! Ok, I served this dip & so many have asked for the recipe that I'm going to post it here:

Misschell's Groovey Dip:

4- 10 oz. can's of shredded white Chicken OR

4-5 boiled chicken breasts shredded

2- small cans of green chili peppers

1 Cup light mayo

1 Cup light sour cream

8 oz. softened cream cheese

1 8oz bag of chedder cheese

mix it all together & bake for 40 min at 350 degrees!

serve hot with tortilla chips.

This dip is so good, I wish I would have made a double batch!! Warning: you can't quit once you start, it's just so darn good!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

1 more thing i'm not good at...

Oh brother, this blog thing... bear with me! I went to edit, then I couldn't find my post, then I did, then I thought I lost it, then I found it & hurried to post it before it hid from me again! haha! The SURPRISE party for David is this Saturday. I'm doing a 70's theme party & hope everyone shows up in costume! That is why I am on the way to get disco balls!! I've decided I ONLY like decorating for parties, NOT planning the details. I don't care about food & I have a fear it won't be any fun, but the decorations... I'm sure of my ability to make it cute!! AFTER this party I am going to move my blog more in the direction of art & arts & crafts, which is why I started it in the first place! I've found so many great blogs out there by other Mom's who are artists & seem to be my little soul mates. I never realized there were so many "others" like me!! I'll post the cute felt banner I made spelling out my daughters name, I'm so happy with how it turned out. I'll also be posting more of the things I'm working on for my etsy store -

Have a good day, it's raining here in Michigan & at 9:01 am it's DARK!!!


trying to get it together...

Well, I'm not very good at maintaining & i'm finding a blog is a little like a job for me. I'm very unorganized & am always trying to do 9,000 things at once, but... I'm going to give this blog thing a go again. My daughters birthday party is over & the decorations were so cute, even though I could NOT convince my "man friend" to paint the garage so the decorations looked pretty against a white background... oh well, it IS a garage! I'll try to post the too few pictures I took of the decor... this resizing photo's is also turning out to be a challenge for me... I'm getting ready for David's (manfriend) surprise party so I'm off to Hobby Lobby to buy "disco ball" Christmas decorations. Lucky me -
they're 40% off!!