More Good Stuff!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

My ovaries seem to be everyone's business...

I was telling (actually i was typing it because it was on facebook, which i've developed a bit of an addiction to) a friend the other day this story & thought "i have got to blog this, it's just too priceless".

Last winter when i still owned the pizza shop (Oh thank God that is gone...) I was headed to my accountants with Kennedy (darling daughter) in the car & we're running late (of course) & I've fed her nothing for breakfast (of course) & so i make a decision to head into the Burger King drive-thru so i can get a "healthy" breakfast for my darling daughter & a coffee for myself (what is it about BK coffee?? so stinkin' good- 2 creams, thank you!). I'm at the 1st booth to hand over my $ & the gal with the "oh-so-cool" headset on says "Oh is your daughter adopted?" actually she whispers the word "adopted" - this cracks me up, people whispering "adopted", it's 2008 people, "adopted" isn't a secret anymore & besides, my kid is Chinese... I don't think I'm going to fool her into thinking she somehow came from my uterus, or vagina or wherever the heck babies come from... YUCK! So anyway, I say "yes, she was born in China" to which girl genius replys "China? CHINA?" (did she think perhaps i found her in Chicago in Chinatown?). I say "Yep, China, China, I went there myself to get her". Now we've known each other about 12 - 20 seconds, so we're tight & she's feeling cozy with me (i guess...) and now she says "I think that's so cool when people adopt... why did you is something WRONG with you?"... OMG!! I am not even joking!! I wanted to say to her "you bet there's something wrong with me, when is your break & how much time do you get because this ain't gonna be a 30 second story" then i realize by "something wrong with me" she means my "woman parts". How can i blame her for being so bold, we're close, i've given her my personal order for breakfast, i've given her my $4 & we've spent to much time chatting.... Luckily for this girl I have more than a great sense of humor... & besides I never wanted to give birth so whether or not the parts south of the border work... what the hell do i care?! So... instead of making her feel like the idiot she seems to be (or is she just an extreme "people person"... you decide) I cheerfully chuckle & tell her the truth "nope, nothing wrong, I just always wanted to adopt". I drive to the 2nd window, get my coffee & my sweetie's breakfast & away we go to the accountant to find out how much in the hole we are now.... Ahhh, good times my friends, GOOD times!!

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