More Good Stuff!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Turquoise & Turkey's

I'm sorry i've neglected you all when i was on such a roll the previous week... I've been putting on my Martha Stewart cap & getting all crafty & Christmasy! We put up the tree & I decided i wanted to go all Turquoise (& red) this year... so that, of course, necessitated a trip to: HOBBY LOBBY! I got silver balls & turquoise paint & turquoise tulle. Painted poka-dots on the ornaments & tied tulle bows- pretty cute if i do say so myself!

As many of you know, my daughter was adopted from China, so i found these a couple years ago at... Hobby Lobby & just had to have them.... & Yes, i do know Sumo wrestlers are from Japan, but I couldn't help myself!

a few more.... what IS in that box? i've never had chinese food that looks like sparkly bubbles...In the little frame is a picture of my daughter - her 1st Christmas in America & with her family!

I know i'm a bit early with a "Christmas post", but then again the stuff's been out since... early Oct!!

I hope you all have a lovely Thanksgiving & remember how lucky we really are! So many things to be thankful for, i mean really.... Enjoy friends & family, stuff yourself silly, & be safe out there!

Happy Thanksgiving & thank you for all the support given to me with my etsy shop & blog!




  1. Hi, thanks for the comment and I have just posted a really long one, and I can't believe it, I just posted pics of cakes I have made take a peek ! P.s I know what you mean about reading blogs and thinking people have perfect crafting lives ! I think that too, I love your stuff on Etsy
    speak soon, let me know what you think of my latest post

  2. Oh Misschell your ornaments are so cute!!! We truly do have a lot to be thankful for don't we. I love you lots my friend, you are a dear friend. thank you for being there for me during some pretty bad times, I will never forget it.
