More Good Stuff!!

Monday, November 3, 2008


Well, i survived my 1st kindergarten Halloween party! We got all 22 ghost shaped rice krispie treats delivered...

and made the "craft". I ended up cutting foam sheets into bookmarks. The kids strung beads to make a tassel & put Halloween stickers & wiggle-jiggle eyes on them. Kid crafts really aren't my thing & as i was aimlessly meandering Hobby Lobby, i had a mini panic attack. They really didn't have much of anything as far as a "kit" craft for kids... I don't even know what kids CAN do... but i figured any 5 year old can handle stickers! They actually seemed to like it, so we were good!

I just got the mantle decorated & now... it won't be long before this is down & CHRISTMAS is up, hard to believe!!

i know this picture is just rotten.... IF only i had that new camera....☺

Spooky new picture frame for my etsy shop. Yeah, i know, Halloween is OVER, but.. you're just printing your pictures now, right??

That's a 3-D chandelier (LOVE those!!) on a black wood frame. I have another one I have to get pictures of- robin egg blue with a black chandelier.

I need to get some pictures of my clipboards & the other frame while i have some sun here. Hope you're out of your sugar coma!

Make sure to check out so many cool things!!!