More Good Stuff!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Bird Brain...

Hope you had a wonderful Easter! We did: went to Easter service at our church, then iHOP, then home to play Wii & color Easter eggs... No, it's not our tradition to color them ON Easter, the week just got away from me!

i promised a peek of what i was up to before the plague struck me!

WEll, i'm off to my alteration guy, they just don't make clothes for those of us UNDER 5' (only 1/4 of an inch, but still...). I wish i could sew, or better yet afford to have EVERY outfit custom made... ahhhh! Have a great day!!


1 comment:

  1. So cute! And by the way, I feel your pain on the short thing! I always thought 5ft2 was the ideal height (don't ask me why, because really that's pretty short too), and so I stopped growing at 5ft1! Ha, life is funny. Your daughter is beautiful!
