Happy Sunday... don't forget to go vote... FOR MY BLOG! See the little icon on the side? hit it & head to "funniest", yeah, i'm not, but... whatever- throw me a bone, would ya?
I've got to get outside & get my clearance-bug-infested rose bushes in the ground, but HAVE to introduce you to "the babies"!
Here is Sophie
from Lft to Rt: Rockie, Sophie & BobMiss Ella Bella
from Lft to Rt: Rockie, Sophie & BobMiss Ella Bella
see how they run to me when i open the door of the "dog"house? it's because they know if they don't come runnin' i'll be after them with the butterfly net & they'll be loved, & hugged, & sqeezed & smooched on whether they like it or not!! They WILL love me...
Oh, Sophie is so cute!