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Friday, July 17, 2009

Entry way make-over, almost...

i really wanted to wait till it was totally done to post my entry but I'm tired of waiting & since everyone is begging (Ok, ONLY in my dreams-where people hang on my every word, & live & breath to see what i do next...).
Here is a little recap of what i was working with: UGLY color... grey/green, oak trim (which i personally do NOT like), banister, which i also didn't like. I'm not crazy about the chandelier, it's ok. BUT...i REALLY want to make my own like the fabulously talented Danielle Thompson ( ) Something more along the lines of what she did here: i am all about whimsical!You can see more beautiful photography on her flickr sight- there is a link from her blog!
Another shot of the entry... Yes, that is a picnic table, don't ask! For the record, this is when the mister was still single!Here's when we started:i did a little bit of a "oops" with the paint color, so we decided to add a Venetian Plaster over the top. It definitely toned the yellow down. I only put one coat on, but may go back & do another coat of it, i wanted a thicker plaster look than i got with only the single coat... We still have the light switch covers to put on & the edge of the trim on the new stairway needs painted (oops). The biggest change that isn't done yet & will take some time: the doors! We're going to replace every door with an old vintage door painted white. No, they aren't all going to match- eclectic cottage is what I'm going for. The front door may get painted white on the inside until we decide exactly what it is we want there... BUT- MUCH BETTER!i think i found this old door at my old house, not sure where it's going yet, but somewhere in the entry.
Didn't the mister do a great job? After this is totally done, we need to get our bedroom painted. I'm all set on colors & bedding for that room, but... the great room, not so much! It's right off of this entry & has to be all one color- there isn't a good cut off to do a couple colors between the kitchen & living area. The end wall where the fireplace is will probably be an accent wall, so i can have another color on that end. Not sure I want to do a SUPER bold color in that much space, but then again...? Anyone have any ideas? It's dark olive green now. I'm not afraid of color & would never paint white... My colors are:
Grass Green
Anyway I'm open to suggestions!!!
I'm off running, this is the last day before darling daughter's party & i forgot about THE CAKE! Oh yes i did!
Happy Friday.... can't believe it's Friday...

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