More Good Stuff!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Goodies from Grandma!!

My Grandma turned 100 on July 21, 2009. She's in a home now... but it's really not home, is it? So hard to see...
This is a woman that never threw out anything- old cards, hats (i have all these & will try & photograph them at some point), shoes, purses, gloves... Luckily i got my hands on some of these goodies before they went into the trash! My mom has so much stuff & just didn't know what to do with it all, so unfortunately, all those old VINTAGE cards... GONE! I warned her to let me dig through anything else she might get an itchin' to throw out! The things i really wanted were the things i remembered from my stays with Gram. I got the bedroom set i use to sleep in when i was a little girl & stayed with her in the summer. i remember sitting at the dressing table digging through the drawers & jewelry box. This always sat on the dressing table & i LOVED going through it. The other day when i dug it out darling daughter kept calling it "the upside down crown". So weird to go through her stuff & smell "that" smell- you know- the smell that takes you back to the time you're 8 & you're spending a few days with Gram. I think i heard once that smell is the sense that gives you the most memories.don't you love that orange pin?and this locket! i love it, check the next picture & you'll see why!!My grandma, my grandpa, my mom & her brother! In the side table i found this:
& inside this!- a note written by my Grandma that says: 1927 Received for graduation.I don't really remember this book, but it's so cute & in GREAT shape!
0nly 1 little scribble on that "bead doll" Hope you enjoyed a little bit of my goodies from Gram!

Here are some goodies still in my etsy shop:
and... my latest embroidery pattern! Darling daughter wanted a Pirate Girl & don't ya know, i had one!! This is another Elsie Flannigan. I read on her blog that they will soon be adding more embroidery pattern kits to their online store: red velvet art.
Have a great day, obviously, i need to go iron that...


  1. Ohhhhhhh, what wonderful treasures from your Grandma! I love the purse with the note inside...that is just so special!


  2. How beautiful to have your grandma, she sure is a pretty lady, and yes all the memories with our Grandma are so warm. Enjoy your visits with Grandma life is so short.
    Hugs, Diane
