More Good Stuff!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Good & the ugly...

So my hair has started doing this crazy stuff in the morning... so crazy I told the mister -perhaps I should start a new blog segment called: "What the Hair?!!"
obviously this is the "ugly" portion of my title :)

It's weird because a squirrel crawled out as I was drinking my coffee...

Or, is THIS the weird part- the Mister doesn't even look twice when I go into the bathroom with a camera & giant piece of white foam board...

Ewww, let's move onto "The Good"

LOVE...turquoise shoes for darling daughter (Target)!  If these are in the bigger girls section, I'm getting a pair for myself!!  The best part, I bought this dress YEARS ago & have been waiting for her to fit into it for over 5 years

don't you ❤ it when an outfit comes together!!!  motherof5, I know YOU love this too!! :)
I know Christmas is over, but...

69 ornaments for $1.99?! - grab 2! 
 Yes, I WAS that lady switching out the broken ornaments in these 2 containers with the non-broken in the 3rd! Target had their Christmas 90% off!  Imagine how happy my Mister was when I came home with MORE Christmas stuff!!  I believe the exact comment was "More Christmas stuff? I can't get all the %&#$ in the barn as it is", see how excited he was!!?  I have this dream of doing a "candy" tree at some point in our lower level...& don't you know these were just the colors I was dreaming of & obviously since there were Red & Turquoise together I was sucked in!  $1.99 each, seriously, who COULD pass it up?
This picture was given to me by friends when I was waiting to go get Darling Daughter from China.  It came from Pier 1 several years ago.

I LOVE it! 
 There was also a boy but I never felt the need to buy him because I don't have a boy, don't think I want a boy, & just didn't want to spend the $ for it until...

we found him at Goodwill for $9.99!
Darling (who prays for a "baby boy" ALL THE TIME!) wanted to make sure he came home with us so we could "hang it with the girl."  Goodwill...despite the weird smell, I have found some real goodies there!

Like this Quick Curl Barbie!  It's from 1974 & even though some of the parts are missing, the Barbie itself has never been unwrapped from the plastic!  This will be going on ebay... if you'd like to see what I have listed on ebay (nothing, as of this very second) check under my seller name:
I know, it sounds like a porno name... well, I don't know that, but was told by a male friend.  I picked it when I was waiting to go get DD.  Babydoll is a term many granddaughters in my family have been called- guess I didn't realize my grandma's were into porn nick-names!?

American Girl craft supplies at Michael's!!  So cute!!

I had a gift certificate to Hallmark & thought this was PERFECT for my art studio!

Ok, off to the studio, I've got several things in the works!
I've really been working hard to get a variety of goods made... now to photograph & list them :)

Happy Monday friends! 
Welcome New Followers, if only you knew how excited I get when I see a newbie!  Spread the LOVE, send a friend the link!!


  1. Love love when you find something that you've wanted at the goodwill or garage sales. Those kind of things give me that shoppers high that keeps me coming back (and my husband cursing). ;-) I so wish that target made the little girl's shoes in big girl sizes. Especially the glittery ones.

  2. Cute post! Super jealous of 90% off! We don't have a Target :( Love the crazy hair and cute shoes too!
