More Good Stuff!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Blah, blah, blah... is it Friday?

It's snowing....AGAIN!
hey snow, i hate you... go away!
i'm grumpy today, it's cold, it's snowing, it's dark & dreary... and i hate all my clothes.
Have you seen those blogs where those cute girls show all their cute outfits EVERYDAY?! Where do they get all their $, that's what I want to know.  I think those are called "Trust fund babies".  Just another thing to be grouchy about- my grandparents not getting into steel during a war...
Here's my donation to the fashion blogs:

stripe shirt- Old Navy 
monkey shirt- Yum Pop
skinny jeans (are they still in?)- Target
granny slippers- Target
wrinkle on my forehead-1969, thanks 41- i hate you too!
and speaking of things that are bugging me- this dog....
this dog that wants out every 10 min to go chase the 500 cats we have roaming our property!
ok, more like the 9-12 cats... but when you're grouchy i find it best to exaggerate EVERYTHING!
see how he's all covered in snow and ice... love how he smells like wet puppy when he comes in!  No, not really, I hate that too!
Ok, enough about that, lets talk about what I do love....
this girl of mine!!
(who googled: "pants on the ground" today!)
fake turkey patty things... i do, i love them!
but they tricked me by mentioning avocado, because THAT happens to be my favorite thing to eat EVER and even though there are some green specks, if my eyes were closed I'd never guess there were any in these, but tasty none the less....
this shirt from All Mighty... 
which i have, so i guess i don't hate EVERYTHING i have in my closet
these dolls made by The Black Apple
VERY hard to get...
i like the one with pink hair & the one with black hair!
crochet and sweet people who make patterns to SHARE!
pink shoes!
found on
artwork by Mark Ryden
anything by Jennifer Hayslip of
eye candy creations
Sitting next to a Bar-B-Q champ, drinking the "drink of the day" on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean...
knowing there is someone for everyone!!
Ok, I totally feel better now!
I have a cute artist to share with you tomorrow...
I just found her on etsy and have had a couple of her wire words in my home for years...
Hope you're all staying warm & safe!
Send some positive thoughts/prayers my cousins way (Naughty Nurse), she's headed to Haiti tomorrow to do some nurse stuff!  She's awesome and super pretty... geesh I hope no one sells her into prostitution!
Ok, have a great weekend!


  1. Hey- that pic of you in the swimmy suit, is that Dave's tatoo behind you?

  2. I don't care what anyone says...I think you are adorable in your non-trust fund baby outfit. Pinkie swear.

    I will have to try the turkey thinggie.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the bikini!


  3. p.s. I ADORE all of Mary Ryden's art! xoxo

  4. I so want a fashion blog. I shop (at sales) all the time and then a week later I hate everything I own. I wear the same 5 things every week.
    At least you can wear the skinny jeans. Own it.
    Cute outfit!
    I heart Target!

  5. Here is something to be thankful for- your FLAT belly! Woo hoo 41 looking hot!
