More Good Stuff!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Crochet ❤Love❤

I was going to talk about what I should and should NOT wear now that I'm the big 4-1, but...
there was SO much to dig through I just couldn't get it together!
My internet connection isn't super fast and so I'm going to gather some more tonight and hope to post it tomorrow...
Ok, I can hardly help myself with this crochet madness that seems to be sweeping the craft world!
Last year the wonderfully crafty genius, Danielle Thompson made these:

Are they beautiful or what?
Well thanks to Danielle, I found this WONDERFUL lady, Lucy, that is talkin' my crochet language!
Aren't her colors fabulous?!
so cute!!

100 granny square quilt

If you're in love, you must check her out at:
She's kind enough to write out the patterns and post them!
I AM going to make this bag!!
She has a ton of step-by-step directions and pictures.
Anyone else out there crochet or are you thinking about it??
I've done a LITTLE knitting but never fell even in "like" with knitting like I've fallen in LOVE with crochet!
I love there are so many artists that crochet because I'm not really into "just" a scarf, ladies like Lucy totally inspire me!
Crochet isn't just for grandma's anymore!!
gotta run, my crochet hook is calling me!!!

1 comment:

  1. Will you crochet me a purse? I like crochet when it goes 70's hippie. Unfortunately, I had to burn a few granny square quilts because the orange/brown/yellow/green color schemes were and assult on my senses! Not to mention the almost plastic yarn always available at the five and dime that was an assult on my skin!
