More Good Stuff!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Naughty, dirty girl...

Ok, not really, just an artsy mama, but my gal-pal and I were talking yesterday about how certain posts get more views than others.  I can see if people find me by doing a search and what they were searching for.  When I posted about my granny squares the title was "Granny Square done kicked my butt" and you know how someone stumbled upon that one?.... they were searching "granny butt"!  HAHAHAHA, that killsl me!  Who wants to see a granny butt?  and.... is there a place to view those?  is that something a perv does that works at a nursing home- take pics of my granny's butt and posts them online?  Ok, so i'm not as naive as my mother, who thought a bowl full of condoms wrapped in green foil were mints (adult ed aids training meeting where she worked years ago) but, some of this stuff i don't get, nor do i want to!!!!  YIKES!
I have NO idea what prompted the above ramblings, because after all, my BIRTHDAY is tomorrow and I wanted to make sure my list got out there for all you last minute shoppers!

Clarisonic... anyone have one?  do tell what you think, i'm pretty sure I HAVE to have this!  If it's good enough for Oprah, you know I'll consider it...
Now, if you don't want to spend such a little amount on me, there's always Harry Winston:
diamond bands, YES, Please!!

earrings... you don't have to twist my arm!

Now, I realize many of you know this has been on my list for years and yet, there is still a 93 Volvo wagon in my garage, so if you REALLY love me, order WHITE!

Range Rover, be still my ❤

And because I don't want to leave out my VERY BEST friends, I've put something on the list for you too!
Maui beach front, always a welcome gift!  
Seriously, can you even imagine this life?
Ok, girls, I hope I've given everyone some great gift ideas- i'm sweet like that!
We're all pumped here, because tomorrow the celebration begins!
Happy Birthday Festivas to ME!


  1. Haha love it! You know, I'm obviously aiming too low with my birthday gift list lol. No point in wondering WHY I haven't got an aston martin if I've never even ASKED for it now is there? :-)

  2. One of my friends has that white Rover, he hubby is a doctor. I looove it! Next time I have an extra $90 thousand, i will get us each one!
    I wondered about the face thingy (nice language, eh?) let me know if you like it. Diamonds are never a bad idea......

  3. Bwahahaha!! Granny Butts! =D
    Hoping your birthday kicks some butt! ;-) Spoil yourself girl and drink one for me, k?
    big hugs

  4. Ha! Granny butt!

    I have a funny story though. I was in line at the post office today and there was this old lady a few people in front of me with this sort of tight lilac velour sweatsuit on. When she got to the counter I have no idea why but I noticed her butt. She had to be about 76 and her butt put mine to shame! I wanted so badly to take a picture of her with my phone but I was afraid someone would see me and think I was one of those perverts.... I just wanted to show my blog readers though...

    Anyway, Happy Birthday!
