More Good Stuff!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

If your Dr. has his office in his garage....

you MIGHT NOT want to let him circumcise you!!
Seriously people, this was BIG news last night!!  Some dude (freak) was putting on a Dr's uniform and performing ADULT circumcisions AT HIS HOME!!  There are so many things here... ADULTS? the fact he was doing this in some back room at his house? the outfit possibly came from a Halloween store? I'm always amazed when people get surgical procedures done in someones home, but hey... that's just ME!


1 comment:

  1. I agree. What kind of mpeople would go to a doctor in a garage. Where is there "Red Flag" sensor. They are red flags everywhere...and what adult men are "Wanting" a circumcision. There are alot of freaky people in the world with poor judgement.
