More Good Stuff!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It's your right, go VOTE for my blog!!!

Ok, you know I can't help myself,  I'm going to beg!
ALL you have to do is click on the following link: 
Just click on the THUMBS up at the top of the interview!  
You can also leave comments... go ahead, you know you want to!
Oh, I just read I could WIN... I don't think it's a white Range Rover, but still... i want to win, even if it's a years supply of hot dogs that I have to donate to some hot dog eater! (don't even get me started on my EXTREME HATE of hot dogs, right up there with fly's that stand on poo... UGH!).
Anyway... GO VOTE!!! (pretty please?! and ignore my lack of spell check)
Darling Daughter's bathroom has been undergoing a minor remodel for the last year.  Nothing too major, we painted, took out the pedestal sink and put in a vintage dresser and the bought a vessel sink 
and the faucet

BUT...the sink is still setting on the dresser and the faucet is under the dresser in the box... We want to put a granite top on the dresser.  The mister talked to a place last year, we decided we'd go with them but then just didn't get them out to measure and don't ya know... they went out of business!  Wheww, glad we didn't give them a deposit or anything!
the room was Barney purple before..
the room is still a bit blah, so i went to my fave "boutique" (Target) and picked this up for a mere $12.99!
boy, i really blew out the wall color, didn't I?
notice there are RHINESTONES on it!!
she likes it!  I let her add the rhinestones.
it looks kind of small here, I think it's my wonky angle?
I like how it turned out... now if we can just get the sink situation fixed so darling can use HER bathroom and NOT mine!!
(don't you love how the paint color looks totally different in every picture... the middle one is the real color.  It's a Disney color from Home Depot- I think it's "thatta boy blue").
I really, really, REALLY want a new kitchen next... 
Ewww.... I do NOT like this kitchen!!  Are the white appliances GLOWING and the purple plastic counter tops?  ugh!  Hey, I've had worse in my life, don't get me wrong, but... I believe it can somehow be improved without spending the GIANT bucks!
  While we were at home depot this weekend, I saw these great bluish, turquoise cabinets and had a moment of inspiration!
Due to the fact some low-life parasite owes me $30,000 I will not be getting the kitchen of my dreams this year, but... I'm pretty sure I've convinced the Mister to help me paint the cabinets!  Or, it can be like the time he came home and the island was black!
(I've still got to distress the edges.)
or the time
he went on a hunting trip and came home to the bedroom having all the oak trim removed and the walls re-painted! (I did the painting, he put up the new trim- i'm not THAT handy!)
it was RED RED RED before this!
Of course I wanted to get painting THAT night (after we got home from Home Depot), but since the Mister is all organized and responsible he said "NO, it's 9 at night!  We're not starting till we can take all the doors off and paint outside".  Geesh, he can be a real spoil sport sometimes!
Ok, enough blabberings, I've got to get down to my treadmill - I'm walking EVERYday until my cruise at the end of April!!  As long as those crime shows are on, I don't mind... at least that's what I'm telling myself!  It's called: Positive self-talk! :)
Have a GREAT day and.... (wait for it....) 
Thanks everyone!


  1. I voted....THUMBS UP!!

    LOVED the color in Darling's bathroom and the chandie was beautimous! How clever to add the foo!!


  2. I soooo love that color you picked for the bathroom and the chandelier is the perfect touch! That's the color I want for my bathroom (for the kids). We have black and white checker floors and I love teal. I just have to find the motivation to strip the wallpaper. Ugh! Okay - of to vote! =)

  3. Great job on the walking!

    I love the bathroom color. It seems to fit DD very well. She is so stinking cute and every time I see her with those little glasses she reminds me of Lane Kim from Gilmore Girls. (I think her real name is Keiko Angena.) Look her up if you don't know who I'm talking about. You will see what DD will look like later!

    I want to see a pic of where you decide to put your new pole dancer.

  4. I painted my kitchen cabinets brown- but I don't like them. I really really want someone to tell me what to do. I sort of want to go with black (we have a stainless island and backsplash) But we have a pretty dark kitchen. Part of me wants to be brave and paint them a color. Oh I don't know.
