More Good Stuff!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Birds of a feather, flock together!

So on Monday I had coffee, chit-chat, and thrift store shopping with a couple of girl-friends!  We made plans to meet at Panera.  The funny part: We each showed up with a book that totally describes each of us!
Chronicles of an Unusual Girl named Christine is on the left:
Miss Cheeky Green is on the right:
Chris is our fine artist, Cheeky is our tree hugger-styrofoam hater (oh shut up, you know I mean this in the BEST way possible!!).
and me...
Need I say more?  
I LOVE this book and if you crochet (or want to learn) GO grab it!!!!!  Joanne's lets you use their 40% off coupons on books!
Unusual Girl and I met at that horrible job that said "Designers Wanted" but what they meant to say was: "Come in and sell carpet and get the same respect as a used car salesman!"
I knew I was going to love Unusual Girl the moment that the MEAN girl, (I had to sit next to her in our "cube") came back to her desk and said "I heard those new girls talking bad about me in the break room".  This mean girl was an unhappy girl!  She was married to a guy that made a lot of $ but had total control of it.  She ate because he couldn't control that- her trash was full of candy wrappers and potato chip bags... It would have been sad if she wouldn't have been so CRUEL to people!  So anyway, Unusual had her number right off the back!  Our manager was going to move Unusual next to Mean girl so I could get away from her (Mean) without starting a war.  We were going to empower her by saying she could train the new girl and I could go sit in the cube on the other side of the bathrooms... Not always the best smelling spot in the store, but mean -VS- poo smell... I choose poo!  Don't ya know, Unusual was too smart to give up poo (where she was sitting at the time) for mean, so in the end, I got moved next to Unusual and poo while the other new girl sat next to Mean-girl!
It was friend love at 1st sight... for me anyway.  Unusual said she wasn't sure what to think of me, she thought perhaps I was  high-falootin'!  Why she thought this I'll never know...of course, this was before my shirt!
Anyway after working together for about 20 min we knew...
Siamese twins joined at the brain separated at birth and reunited through this crappy job!
Cheeky and I met through ebay!
A good friends of Cheeky's bought a scrapbooking bag from me on ebay.  She couldn't remember her paypal password so she asked if it was ok to just send a check.  I emailed her my address and she promptly wrote me back saying OMG- you live about 5 miles from me, It turned out to be 7!  She ended up inviting me to a crop at another friends (Yeah, that gal was thrilled that someone M met on the internet was being invited to HER house!!  They were quite sure I was going to be some kind of serial killer and slaughter them all... all 4' 11 3/4" of me!!) and we've been fast friends ever since!  Since M and I have the same name, I'm often known as Ebay-M and was introduced that way for years!
So, Monday we drank coffee, ate and talked and talked and talked!  None of us live close enough and if only everyone would buy into my idea of THE PERFECT NEIGHBORHOOD where it's invite only, we could all live within walking distance of each other!!
Unusual had a meeting so Cheeky and I headed to the Korean Market for some seaweed (yes, to eat, I told you I eat weird Mel!) and then went to a thrift store that is now in the store where Unusual and I met!  It was weird to see used bras and slips in the spot where the self proclaimed DIVA use to sit!  Our spot was full of handcrafted items made by people in other countries.  There was a woman in our bosses old office- I hope she likes the manly horse wallpaper border... ugh!
The thrift store was AWESOME, I got darling daughter over $30 worth of books for $5!  One of the books I'll be saving for a few years... Are you there God?  It's me, Margaret. by Judy Bloom.  Oh the memories that I have of that book!  In 5th grade someone had this book and there were about 5 of us passing it around reading it every second we could!  Bras, periods, spin the bottle... it's pretty much where I learned everything about "becoming a woman"... I just might read it again!

 Chinese Baby Hat drive:

1. Make a child or baby's hat (you can knit, crochet, felt, sew, or even buy one).  I need all sizes, colors, and styles.  IF you don't make stuff but want to be part of this, buy a new child's hat or a GREAT condition gently used hat and send it my way!  Most of the kids are girls, but there are a few boys.  Honestly, the Chinese don't seem to care that girls are in pink and boys are in blue- so any colors are fine.
2. Send me the hat(s)
Email me for the address!
I'll collect them thru the end of this summer and then will take care of shipping them to an orphanage in China.  I still have to decide on an end date and an orphanage, but I have time!
any questions??  Email me:


  1. Ooh! I'm lovin' your new makeover girl and wooo hoooo!!! You won over on Danielle Thompson's blog! :) Congrats!

  2. Wow- love the new blog look! You all look like you had so much fun- kinda jealous!

  3. I think we need to have a reunion of some folks from your "former sales job at a certain film company" so you have more fodder for your (pretty new) blog!

    Love the orphan hat idea; wish I was a sewer, or a hooker. But I'll try to dig up something...

  4. I love the Tree hugger-styrofoam hater remark. Cute!
