More Good Stuff!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Workin' for the WEEKEND!!!

Not really, because 
1. I don't work outside the home 
2. I've done NO work this week...well, VERY little!
Last night as I was washing our bedding at 7 pm, the Mister says "what happened to Monday wash day?" 
My reply?....
"Well, I had an appt. Monday, Tuesday we were shopping, Wednesday we hung with our friends all day and so Monday wash day is Thursday this week!"
Darling starts school the day after Labor day and as much as I LOVE being with her, I am VERY anxious to get back to my studio, fill my etsy shops FULL, learn how to work my camera and get caught up on 100 other projects.  I also want to make some changes to my blog.
This summer has given me time to think about what I want to do.  It seems I have my best ideas when I just CAN'T get to my studio, so I've been dreaming a lot this summer.
My baby is 7, she's my only child and I wouldn't trade a second of the time we've spent hanging out this summer!!  There's always the school year for "working" and these days won't last forever!
Yesterday we were running all day and I wanted to show you the fabric I got for my camera strap re-model!
I want to show you FABULOUS pictures of the fabric, but you're going to have to see it with my old camera because... well, you know why!!
Owl Corduroy!!!!
coordinating polka-dots!!!
(Jo-Ann's if you're interested)

I  printed out the manual for my camera (which is different from the book I have!!), all 200 pages!!  I ran out of ink once and out of paper.  Thankfully, I still had old 8-1/2 X 11 scrapbooking papers- ha!
No, this isn't intimidating at ALL...
 Have a wonderful weekend!!
We're hanging out with my mom today and then I'm going to study this manual!!!
Make sure you check out my OpenSky tab at the top of my page for some super cute goodies!!


  1. really nice fabric for your camera strap! Once you figure out how to use it, you will probably love it!
    Enjoy your time preparing for your etsy shop!

  2. Totally love the owl fabric-way too cute!

  3. I love the fabric.

    We have a Joannes opening in our area in Oct. I can't wait.

    Have fun getting to know your new camera.

  4. Love the fabric! I was going to offer a little camera help bu mine is not an EOS 30 just an EOS so I am sure they are quite different. I hope you get everything worked out. I can offer that I put my card into a Sony card reader and it sends my photos to my computer- oh wait- you are a Mac right? Sorry- can't help :(

  5. Cute fabric! I was just swinging by to invite you to join us for our Spotlight Saturday Blog Hop. Link up your blog and another you'd like to spotlight this week. I hope you have a great weekend!


  6. Um, I'm gonna need you to make something for me with the owl fabric. My birthday is in September, and I am not above buying my own birthday presents from Etsy...

  7. I have hide my new Canon 550D manual book inside my drawer!!!*LOL* Good luck to you and hope you read everything you'hv printed out*buahahaha*
