More Good Stuff!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I have wet socks...

I HATE messes, hard to believe if you knew me in college or before!  I spent part of yesterday washing all the lids of the condiments in my fridge... shut up, I DID!
Today I cleaned my carpet in the living room and Darlings bedroom (thankfully the only area upstairs WITH carpet!). 
and my front hall looks like this
see me waving at you?
Darling's room...
yes, that's me having a STROKE!!
stuff ON bed was stuff found UNDER bed...
Apparently she 
didn't read her chore chart, the one that says 
"Make Bed"
Anyway thanks to the devil.... errr, this guy:
I HAD to steam clean Darlings carpet...NEW CARPET!
Note to self: do NOT install new carpet and then get a dog, especially a YORKIE!!
Have a fabulous day, I'm off to RUN and then I REALLY hope to get in my studio while the carpet dries!!
don't forget the deadline for the baby hat drive is Oct 31, 2010!!
(see yesterday's post for ALL the details).
Email me at
for any questions or to let me know hats are coming my way!!


  1. Darling room is totally cute!

    I love that big pillow owl! Was that owl handmade-it sure looks like it.

    I hate wet socks and wet blue jeans-the worst feeling-ICK!

  2. Umm - did you forget this is supposed to happen in the spring? So you can kick back and enjoy it in the fall? :) I have been on a cleaning spree too. . .it's the coziness of fall. I have to have everything all cozy, candles lit and in it's place so I can sit down and craft or read. Still swooning over the owls in darling's room!

  3. the owl pillow is from my fave "boutique" TARGET!! They still have them in the kids bedding dept..

  4. you can come and clean my house if you like! i absolutely hate doing housework!
