More Good Stuff!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

It's Friday, otherwise known as: "the end of my freedom till Monday"

1st off, I LOVE my family: the Mister is awesome (yeah all you readers that know him...go ahead and tell him I said that!!) my daughter is fabulous, but... How much do I love a quiet house M-F??....  
I'm sure in a few weeks I'll be wandering around the house with tears streaming down my face missing those two like crazy, (when it's just the dog and I in the middle of a snowy Michigan winter...) Oh heck, who am I kidding!!  I'm kind of a hermit down in my studio!!

speaking of studio, I REALLY need to get down there!  I can tell you I've spent so much time on the computer that the underside of my right wrist is SORE from rubbing against the edge of the desk as I move the mouse around!! 

 Now that's SAD!
I found a GREAT website with the BEST free fonts and you know anything "computery" get my brain in a scramble, so although, I can download them, I can't use them... Hmmm, kind of like how I can take a picture with the new camera 

but I can't get the pictures into the computer!!
Hey, if you're a "font freak" head on over to this gals blog and grab them
Have a great weekend, I hope to do something "blog worthy" that doesn't involve a trip to the ER!


  1. only you.... haha! it's a kewpie! :)

  2. I can relate. My sig other works M-F. I Love it when she is home with me, but I also enjoy my time alone in my studio with my dog Elvis Lee.

  3. I was just thinking the same thing myself-Didn't we just have a long weekend??? Again, I love my family too, but I'm with ya on the M-F quiet time-Love it in the studio!

    Yikes-they're back!!!! HAHAHA!

  4. Enjoy your weekend! I hope it goes by quickly for you ;)

    ...and the post below- love the pink outfit! Yep, that is totally what I look like when I stay home and only a smidge above that when I go to work :)
