More Good Stuff!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The old grey mare, she ain't what she use to be...

So, I went to my 1st run last night, I was the only girl, I was the only one who hadn't run in years, and apparently the only one that had a giant spaghetti and meatball dinner BEFORE the run... but, I DID IT!!
4 1/2 miles!!  
No stopping, or puking, only 1 small fart, and no peeing my pants, all in all, I'd say that's a SUCCESS!
I LOVED IT, well, not while I was running, but Oh, the memory of how you feel after you're in shape and running!!  I'm in hopes that in 2 weeks it won't feel like my lungs wanna explode.
I've been saying I'm going to run again for years, I must say I am so proud of myself for taking that first step, which is always the hardest!!

Ok, let's talk a little bit of art...
ArtPrize 2011
Grand Rapids, MI... so worth the drive!!
Now, mind you, all the best pictures on my BEST camera which I STILL can't get to download onto my MAC... so go to the website (above) and check it out for yourself!!

Trust me, this in NO way highlights all of the extreme COOLNESS that is everywhere in my city!!
Ok, I haven't been keeping up with my etsy store AT ALL!  I have got to get it stocked for the Christmas season since I'm hoping to actually SELL something this year!!
That WOULD be nice...
Have a grand day and we'll meet back here later, ok?!


  1. This posts made me laugh out loud , not in the LOL computer version way either-I mean crack up laughing with my real human laugh!

    Especially the part about one small fart and not peeing your pants-You are hysterical!

    Keep the post's comin'

    I look forward to them:)

  2. Well done on completing your run without any nasty accidents. xx

  3. Holy Cow woman! I couldn't run 4.5 miles straight until I had been running for months! Great Job!!!! I am so happy to hear that you love it and are going to stick with it! It's the best part of my day when I first finish a run!!!

  4. it was pure peer pressure that kept me running!! If i'd have been by myself I would have NEVER done 4.5!!

  5. Good for you!!!
    I ran yesterday. They forgot to give me ketchup at Chick Fil A so I RAN in to get some. Bout killed me.
