More Good Stuff!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Do I need My Hormones Replaced?

Are those HRC (Hormone Replacement Center) places everywhere, or is it just a Michigan thing?  Everyday in the background (on the TV) I hear of the wonderful benefits of this place: I could want more sex, I could drop weight, My energy level could go through the roof and my wool rugs would quit shedding!!  Good grief, is this something I need to know about?  Is something coming down the road for me that I'm unaware of?  Geesh, something else my Mother hasn't warned me about!!  Just like she never told me to pluck my eyebrows and I had eyebrows like this... Oh, you know I LOVE any excuse to use this photo!
NO LIE- as I'm typing this, that HRC commercial came back on and I kid you not, they have a couple on there saying how after HRC they're like a couple in their 20's and the husband said "we had literally run out of gas and we got GAS BACK UP" hahahahaha!!!!  Oh, I couldn't make stuff like that up!  The look on his wife's face is PRICELESS!  He looks like he just got done having sex and smoking a doobie and she has this embarrassed/happy smile on her face.
OK, that commercial is on for the THIRD TIME!!  This old lady is telling us how after she got her hormones replaces, she SHAMPOOED HER CARPETS... Does it get any better than this?  I hope you're enjoying this as much as I am...
I gotta go, I need to get in the shower and get over to HRC!
Back tomorrow with some good stuff going on in the art room and trust me, there is ONLY art going on in that room!!!


  1. Okay, that is odd to me. We don't have those places here - yet. But, you know I am in Mississippi so maybe we DO need a few of those places around - kwim?

  2. Oh - LOL! Look at your title :)

  3. OH thanks!! I fixed it! Geesh, you'd think I'd spell check! Maybe if my hormones were replaced I'd catch the typo's!!!!

  4. LOL @ "Doobie" we used to call them "Fatties" (no that I partook in such Frivolity mind you) *cough*

    I can't take HRT meds because I have had breast cancer. I am seeing all those commercials though. Lord have mercy....what will they come up with next?


  5. Repeat after me...'we are not old...we are not old...we are not old"
