More Good Stuff!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Some days I know just what to say...

and other days, I have NO idea what to say when I sit down here at my computer!  Today I am uninspired, yesterday was a rotten day and I'm feeling like I have a monday grumpy-hang-over and want to shake it off!
I guess I'll show and tell you what I have want will try to do today:
want to make this
have the fabric
need the patience

 I seriously MUST call the groomer for this sexy boy, who is looking so very shabby!
 MUST get on this... didn't go to running club last night, felt like crap.
 Need to take this ugly wall and
 do SOMETHING spectacular on it...oh, the pressure!
 should REALLY get those baby clothes listed on ebay, ugh: the thought of listing and shipping makes me want to drive it straight to Goodwill.  (yes, it's log cabin wallpaper, SHUT UP, I had NOTHING to do with it and choose to pretend it's not there.  Don't worry too much, it's in the back lower level bedroom)  ...did I tell you I'd really love to raise $20,000(?+) to adopt again.. My wonderful agency sends me updates that make me want to run to the airport and hop the next flight to China!!!
Must get this filled with weekly outfits...Darling is too short to reach her clothes and it will make my mornings much more enjoyable.
So, I better get movin', the treadmill WILL happen, the ebay...not so sure!
Any big plans this week?
Small goals?
Fun stuff?
Studio time?
Flu shots...oh yeah, gotta make an appt for those too!
Have a great day!!
and since the time is getting so close:
a little plug about my BABY/KID HAT DRIVE

As most of you know, my daughter was adopted from China and I left a little piece of my heart there.  I'm collecting hats to keep the children and babies warm in the winter.  Many live in orphanages that are without heat.
1. make a baby hat, toddler hat, or kid sized hat 
(you can take the non-crafty way out and buy one if you must)
2. Send to:
David Shellenbarger
c/o chinamommy
146 E Main
Caledonia, MI 49316
3. I need them in my hot little hands BY Oct 31, 2010.
4. I'll take care of shipping them to CHINA this fall.
any questions- please feel free to email me!! 
Please feel free to TWITTER or facebook this hat drive!!!

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