More Good Stuff!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The latest goodies on etsy...

Ok, it's Saturday and everyone is either 1. putting up  Christmas decorations, 2. still napping from their 3 am Menard's shopping spree or 3. working in their studio and stuffing their online shops!  I am doing the 3rd and dreaming of the 1st while I am proud to say I skipped the 2nd!
Since it's Saturday I'm posting the newest goodies in chinamommy right here and then next week we'll get back to regular programing!
 big owl pendant $6.99 HERE!
 Bird Brain ornament $8.75 HERE
 Naked baby magnets, because isn't this what everyone needs? HERE
Cutie Cupcake in Vintage tin with repurposed Angel tree ornament HERE

 Cutie cupcake in a vintage tin HERE
 Advent Christmas count down Calendar HERE
 Countdown Calendar with tiny envelopes HERE
Any questions....Feel free to leave a comment or contact me via email at: or through etsy.  See ya Monday!


  1. Love the Christmas "cutie cupcake!!"

  2. I'll take 500 of those naked baby magnets because the question comes to mind- how did I get this far in life with out them? Those advent calendars are too cute! So is the vintage cupcake. Keep it coming!

  3. chris: i've wondered the SAME thing!!! hahahaha!
