More Good Stuff!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Yeah...I know....

So I changed the background and that made my header thingy all wonky and the main stripy thing of the blog is smaller than the place where you type.  Yes, those are the official and technical terms- cause I said so.
I've been to "Blogger Help" and as you can see....I am not smart enough to follow their genius directions.  Only people under the age of 9 can understand them.  Darling will be home from school in 40 min... maybe she can help me.  How is one suppose to have to most outstandingly beautiful amazingiest blog EVER if one can NOT comprehend photoshop, blogger, and "help"?  Is there someone I can have come to my house, sit next to me, move my fingers on the keyboard, teach me photoshop and all things MAC (while feeding me apple slices, and pouring me coffee)?  ANYONE? ANYONE?
My brain is tired, and I've accomplished nothing today...Well, nothing I wanted to accomplish.  I'm wondering how much more time I should devote to accomplishing nothing or if it is time to move on...Anyone want to bang their head against a wall regarding their blog/computer/photoshop issues??  Please tell me I'm not alone, or better yet... tell me there is hope for this 41 year old Mama!!
That is all...


  1. I feel your pain-ughhhhhh-I am having the same exact issues-HELP!

  2. You are not alone!! I wanted red polka dots on my blog yesterday and I just can't get it to work!!

    Let me give you a little link to a blog post I used yesterday-

    Life is just not fair for us 37 + year olds. We just missed the boat on all the computer stuff. Aubrey is only 2 years younger than I am and he learned it all in school - not me. I was one of the last classes to take "typing" :p

    If you look in the comment section of my blog yesterday and Christina's blog yesterday you will see that you are not alone. I was over there trying to pick her brain.

    The Piknic thing is easy - and I don't say that very often when it comes to computer related things...

  3. Oh, isn't there a HELP group available???? Piknic? I'll go see Christina....

  4. You sound like me a few months back! Then I stumbled across Wacky Jacqui's Design and she fixed it for me. Her prices are pretty low if you want to check her out. And as a heads up, I'll be giving away a free blog makeover from So Stylized the first week of December. :)

  5. Oh, thanks Kel, I will check her out!!

  6. ♥WOW! Cutie I think is not about the age thing, Blogger team just too lousy and non of the times they failed to makes me feel so frustrated and miserable scremed for help!!!! I had used xanga blog when I'm in college time and it seem so much easier to understand how to design or change any layout I want for my blog background!
