More Good Stuff!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

It's starting to SMELL a lot like Christmas!!

Yesterday was Darlings wild and crazy 2nd grade Christmas party.  They made apple cinnamon ornaments which smell FABULOUS!!  I'd forgotten I'd made these years ago when I worked in a nursing home.  Let me tell you, THAT is a story for another day... We really loved this as a nursing home activity as it helped cover the raging smell of adult diapers, I digress....
Anyway, I wanted to share because: this is a REALLY easy activity that one can do with kids without wanting to send them outside while you finish it yourself and also because it's Christmas and who doesn't want their house filled with the smell of CINNAMON?!
Go grab 5 things:
1. 1 1/2 cups of ground cinnamon
2. 1 cup of applesauce
3. 1/4 cup of white glue
4. Christmas themed cookie cutters (optional)
5. toothpicks

Mix ingredients in a bowl until it's cookie dough consistency.  Use a rolling pin to roll out the dough and start cuttin'!  Or you can free form a circle and press your child's hand into it! 
(one little note: it will make hands VERY grimy!) 
(we added  little detail with the end of the straw and a toothpick)
To add their name or the date, take a toothpick and push it straight down making the letters out of tiny dots (ha, i just typed tiny dogs!).  Speaking of dogs, you could probably push your dogs paw in it if you're "one of those people" (you know who you are, mom of 5!!).  Use a straw to make a perfect little circle for hanging!
You'll want to let these dry on wax paper for 2-3 days.  I waited a day and then moved them onto a cookie drying rack so I don't have to flip them over to dry!!  They will lighten as they dry.  Once they're dry, string a ribbon through the hole and hang them up!  Easy Peasy!
Now, of course, we could waste ANY of this dough...
and who doesn't love a good fake dog poop joke?
Have I mentioned my BA in Fine Art is now being used to form life like Yorkie dog poop?!  My parents are SO proud!!
and luckily we have the PERFECT dog to blame it on since he's been known to think he's Santa dropping presents off at our house!
We put it in the downstairs "man" bathroom.  When the Mister got home he asked Darling "Did you see what YOUR dog left outside my bathroom?".  Well since we had left it IN the bathroom and now it was outside the door we thought he REALLY HAD pooped in the house... the joke was on us too because Teddy just picked it up chewed it in 2 and dropped it outside the bathroom!  Like I said, WHO doesn't love a good Christmas poop joke?!


  1. You are terrible! But I love how great the poop looked! My pups used to leave gifts like that for me. Thankfully it has to be super cold or pouring down rain before I get those gifts any more. Hope all is well.

  2. Thats such a fun activity but the dog pooh I'm sure your parents are so proud of that creation.

  3. Now I will think of fake poop when I smell cinnamon :). It's OK, I'm among the small percentage of people who are not cinnamon fans. Cute ornaments, though!

  4. I LOVE that you can see Darling giggling behind her hand in the one picture! :0)

  5. Dog poop jokes are great-just NOT when I'm eating lunch! :)

  6. I don't know how much I love poop jokes, but I ADORE your shower curtain.

  7. Your dog poop making skills are top notch!! Hmmmm.... I am thinking I want one of those fake dog poops to play a joke on Aubrey... I have been watching way to many episodes of "Pranked" lately.

  8. OMGosh..that is so funny! You really did make the best looking poopie, and as I am the proud ma of 3 little doggies and one big one...the lil ones leave presents once in awhile...they look just like that! Ha ha! ;) Is that your adorable child laughing in the side of pic of poo...ha ha ha! Awesome! Hearts, Janna Lynn

  9. You are really twisted:)

    That is funny. I love it the way your daughter is laughing about the poop.

    Liv and I made a similar recipe last year. My hubby didn't know they weren't edible and took a bite out of one that was on a paper towel drying. They still smell good this year.

    I don't think ours had glue in them. We made clay "sugar cookies" yesterday that she painted.

  10. hahahaha I love the poop joke - pretty impressive rendition!

    These ornaments must make the house smell just heavenly!!!

    - Lindsay

  11. That's my girls! Good one! and Teddy- way to take it one step further. So, where did that yummy shower curtain come from? That's very fun....

  12. LOL!!! You are hilarious. Love the fake poop. I get the same thing from my husband. YOUR dog. Sigh.
    Love the ornies too. My mom made those when I was growing up and I always wanted to eat them. :-)
