More Good Stuff!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's my day....

Call me the Birthday Gal... but just don't call me late to dinner!  
Who's getting old?  
So today I am 42...FORTY TWO!  I just ran 2.5 miles and didn't die, I'm counting that as a victory.  I'm running a 5K this weekend, I hope I see the finish line.  I don't like to get old, not 1 tiny bit.  I'm going to put on my snood 
(to make sure my hair doesn't get wind blown, of course)
grab my shoes

 and head to goodwill in my model T 
and see if I can find some candle sticks and ugly bird figurines... isn't that what most of you do on your birthdays?  I'd sit home and wait for my white Range Rover to arrive, but last year I was sorely disappointed and told the Mister to just have them park it in the garage!
I've got my rascal loaded on the back,
My purse packed
and I'm ready to go.
I think while I'm in town I'll grab some fried mush and corned beef hash and wash it down with a decaf.  If I feel crazy I might grab a tab!
Geesh, I hope I'm ok to drive.... maybe I should hitch my wagon to my mule instead?
Don't send gifts, just send metamucil

If I make it another day have I got something CUTE to show you tomorrow!  Seriously, I squealed...OUT LOUD!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the best looking 42 year old I know!!!

    You have the spirit, attitude, face, and body of a 20 year old!!

    Have a fun day today and spoil yourself!!

    Hee - I almost typed "soil yourself" -- but DON'T do that!!!

  2. Hey Cutie!
    Happy Cake Day to you! I wish I lived closer so I could take you out to lunch!! really have to come to one of these art events one day so we can meet! Stripey tights and rhinestones on our eyes will be totally appropriate!!
    Have a fab day to the funniest girl I know!

  3. Oh thank you thank you....
    Thanks Angela for reminding me it's SPOIL not SOIL! I'm easily confused- haha!
    LuLu- that sounds GREAT!!

  4. Happy Birthday Friend!!! Have a great one and make sure the family treats all day!

  5. Happppy Birthday!!!! Oh gosh you crack me up! still look like your in your 20's!!! Hearts, janna lynn

  6. You're young in all the right places — your mind and your heart! Treat yourself to a Geritol cocktail and Happy Birthday!

  7. Happy Birthday! Do those shoes come in pink?

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! my birthday is on the 26 and i'm gonna turn....

    older then you! ;) i was going to say have a nice dinner but being that it's 5:10 already you probably ate at least an hour ago! heck it's already starting to get dark...lights out at 7:30 - okay since it's your b-day make it 8:00

    all kidding aside from... one february baby to another...
    *¨¨*:☆:*¨¨*:★:*¨¨* HAPPY. BIRTHDAY! ! ! *¨¨*:★:*¨¨*:☆:*¨¨*

    keep your humor it will keep you young!

  9. Thank you everyone! I am happy to report I am still able to go on the potty and do NOT have to use adult diapers!! Yipppee for me!!

  10. Happy late birthday!
    Thinking of you (late) and hope you had fun.
    Do you pee a little bit when you sneeze yet? cause that is a sure sign.
