More Good Stuff!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

10 Random Things Friday...

It's that time again... Let's get random!

1.  Now that I stay home I HATE getting ready in the morning...Ready for WHAT?  The dog? Sometimes part way through getting ready I just quit....
but at least I topped off my outfit with the polka dot socks :)
I love to get ready to go out, but to stay's just too much work!  Anyone else feel this way?

2.  I've been having LOTS of knee issues suddenly.  People kept telling me to get my shoes checked, I found it hard to imagine that shoes could make THAT much of a difference.  Let me just say I'M A BELIEVER!!  New shoes have changed my life after only 1 run in them!!  Sadly they aren't pink, but you know I love some turquoise, so I'm good (and so are my knees!!!).  They told me all kinds of stuff I didn't know like: buy running shoes 1/2 size bigger than what size you really are.  Supporting the locally owned store and spending a little extra $$....SO worth it!!  Gazelle's in Grand Rapids, MI has my loyal business for as long as I can run!  These are Mizuno in case you're interested!

3.  Another run in the rain yesterday, don't worry, I did NOT take any pictures of my wet feet- lucky YOU!

4.  I'm not sure how accurate this picture is...
the box
what's inside the box

5. My new breakfast food: If you like real earthy, nutty, healthy foods, this is for you!  I sprinkle it with a TINY bit of truvia (a natural sweetener, not a fake sugar substitute-those scare me!) and cut a banana into it- YUM!

6. LOVE this time of year...One of my very favorite smells-EVER! 

7. Drawing class: This class is HARD, it is a LOT of work, it is learning to see in ways your left brain has worked very hard to help you not see in those ways...
This is my left hand.  No, really, it IS!  Can you tell we were not allowed to look at the paper as we drew, we were only allowed to stare at our hand.
This is an ugly silk plant, we weren't suppose to lift the pencil from the paper.
I think every single person left with a migraine!  I haven't had this level of concentration in YEARS (if ever).

8. This is now mine, I am totally in love with it.  Funny how some art just SPEAKS to you, this piece said BUY ME!
it is from ChristinaRomeo on etsy

9.Have you heard of Tom Shadyac? Have you heard his story?  I taped his episode on Oprah....his story is one that I find hard to believe can't touch each and every one of us. Google him, read his story.  
See his documentary "I Am". Go to and find out where it's showing!

10. It takes ALL types doesn't it? TRUST me, you're going to want to listen allllll the way to the end!

Have a great weekend my friends!!! Oh wait, NEVER MIND, the world is ending tomorrow!  It was nice knowing you....


  1. If the world doesn't end down here can I that artwork and your shoes?

  2. That plant you drew is totally coool. It looks just like the plants I add into my drawings when I need 'something'. See- you are too an interior designer! You are! The hand- has a graphic quality to it. (that's a good thing) Thank you for not sharing the wet feet!

  3. Wait----maybe just one picture of wet feet? I might just want a peek...
