More Good Stuff!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I was a sticker crazy girl of the 80's...

My mom brought these to me a while back.  2 of my STICKER books!!! I can't even tell you how much i LOVED stickers back in the 80's.  I remember going to hallmark and they had rolls and rolls of them hanging from wooden dowels and you'd tear off those little sheets covered with adorable sticky goodness.
 I hadn't seen these books in years so imagine my delight when I opened the one and found an entire pouch FULL of never before stuck-down-stickers meant for trading.  Trading?  Obviously, I wasn't really into trading, I was more into hoarding!! 
 Fuzzy teddy bears, ugly mice, weird hats, bicentennial stickers and do you see that afro goodness peeking out?  OMG- Puffy Michael Jackson STICKERS!!!!!!!!!!!
 My gosh, do you even remember him looking like this? And by "this" I mean: black with a nose!!
 Top left is a hologram of MJ!! And "Mystiks Fan Club of America", it's full of squishy blue stuff that changes color when you press it- these were special stickers that I have an entire page devoted too and the blue stuff is STILL squishy and turns green when it moves around!  Puffy silk heart stickers with glitter accents? Care Bears, Unicorns and Donkey Kong "high score" sticker- GET OUT!!!  It's like a sticker time machine!
Proving how BIG TIME I was in the sticker community!
 Nothing says 80's like LISA FRANK!
 And, if that doesn't prove how hard core I was, I think this will... The Jewish Stickers, 'cause dude, we aren't Jewish!  Didn't care, if it stuck, I had to have it!!!
Anything you collected as a kid?  Do you still have it?
Happy Wednesday-it's raining here (and yes, I DID run in it!)  I'm headed down to my studio to work on a DIY!


  1. I collected Barbie heads.

    Does that surprise you?



  2. Totally collected stickers too. I had giant albums. Do you remember there was a sticker magazine, so you could trade all people all over the country? I think Lisa Frank's company published it.

    I also had a ton of My Little Pony.

  3. LuLu K- no, that does NOT surprise me! haha! Now, what we really want to know: were they those giant heads where you fixed their hair, or you just pulled the heads off regular barbie dolls? I'm guessing the 2nd :)

  4. Lulu G: I DO remember those sticker magazines now that you mention it!!

  5. hahahahaha! I LOVE this! this is so cute! I loved stickers as a kid too, and I had a very admirable rock collection. Serious right now. I thought they had treasures in the middle, so someday I planned to break them open, but somehow never got around to it! Thanks for sharing!

    -Heather from

  6. I collected horse statues.
    Mel collected New Kids on the Block crap and she had so much stuff on the walls, you couldn't see the walls. Coincidentally? She still listens to them. She also collected dolphins. not the real ones though, that's cruel.

  7. I collected little smurfs...and I also had a few sticker books of my own. How fun! I liked looking at your blast from the past.

  8. My daughter was big into everything Lisa Frank. But she wasn't into stickers. I like pot know, the big, thick, fatty dumplings that we Southerners like to serve with chicken!

  9. Heather: my 7 year old is ALL about rocks right now! I love how you thought they were full of treasures!!

  10. Funny: I knew you were too classy for New Kids!

  11. Angela: SMURFS? Maybe you need to dye your hair blue? (sorry girls, inside joke)

  12. LL: Mmmmm, pot stickers, also a great kind of sticker for sure!

  13. My Lifelong Friend collected stickers and hoarded them and never shared them. She also had every Sweet Valley High book. I collected RL Stein and Babysitter's Club books and dolphin stuff. Oh, and New Kids on the Block crap. Still have most of it, but it's in the attic and Big Girl doesn't climb questionable ladders.

  14. I had these exact sticker books and I have looked forever to find one like this for my daughter! If you still have them could you post the company name - I’d love to find a vintage one. Unfortunately I trashed mine as a disgruntled teen

  15. Please show us the rest of the pages. I had a small world greetings sticker book and it was the best. I wish they were still made in this style for my kid.
