More Good Stuff!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Life Coach.... Where are you?

I have the local news show on in the background, I kinda hate this show but watch it daily.  I don't know why, because there are no murder mystery shows on at this time of the morning? I get SO sick of the one over-the-top-I-wanna-be-a-tee chick whose pants look spray painted on.... Some women just can't handle the fact that they aren't 17 anymore.  If you see me wearing something inappropriate it's probably Hello Kitty or Dora, or Kai Lan and that's only because that's what's available in the kids dept where I have to shop sometimes-ugh!  Anyway, this morning they had on a LIFE COACH!! I'm pretty sure THIS is the next step I have to take, I think I need someone to be accountable to! Do you know what someone with minimal motivation and no time clock to punch does all day?
1. draws moustaches on her daughters toes with an ink pen (instead of washing them...nice dirt under the toenail!)
 2. tries to make her daughter glasses out of play-doh
 3. adds rhinestones to bikini tops
 4. poses for ridiculous pictures in giant yellow foam wigs
 5. Sniffs armpits 
All in favor of chinamommy getting a life coach say "I"!!


  1. All in favor of chinamommy BECOMING a life coach, say "Aye!"

  2. I just love you. . .and that is all. :-)

  3. I'm right here!!!! Are you not in your second ever art class for drawing on the right side of the brain, right now?? Cool glasses by the way!

  4. Sign me up too! My life needs a coach.
    Pit sniffing IS a lucrative career, maybe you could be a deodorant tester?

  5. Um, lady I might have had you laughing this morning, but you sure did have me laughing tonight! I want a life coach, too-HA! I am accountable to no one (until everyones returns home from school and work) and so I play all day-HA!

    I love love love the moustaches on her dirty little toes-that's priceless!!!!

  6. Amber...we are SOOOOOOOO meeting this summer!

  7. 1st class - unusual girl, don't get crazy on me thinking you've motivated me THAT much!!

  8. Funny- June 8th FREE life coach seminar... but it's in MI! You can stay with me, i've got extra room-bring Mel!

  9. Maybe some people need coaching in finding humor and joy in just the every day.

    I think I'd rather you be my life coach:)

  10. Sounds like you spend your day making your daughters day.. Frankly I am kinda jealous..
