More Good Stuff!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

10 Random Things Friday...

Eek, I'm not sure I'm into my summer schedule yet... This is only the 1st week so I'll cut myself some slack!

1. I am in love with this ring!!  You all know I love me some quirky, whimsical art... If only the Mister would have seen this when he was ring shoppin'
The artist is a fellow Michigander and this is only a TINY bit of her jewelry goodness, go check out her wonderful shop here: dolldisasterdesign

2. We are 5 days into Summer Vacation- on Monday I ran around the lake with Darling riding her bike beside me (that was a challenge), Tuesday we drove into town so I could run on the trail while Darling rode her bike beside me (that was still a challenge but without the cars driving by), Wednesday we went to a friends and yesterday we shopped all day.  

3. I just bought this on ebay, 'cause I am a dork

4.  A new goody that will SOON be in my etsy shop

 5. I have a problem, actually 2... first: I have a embroidery/sewing machine that cost as much as a small KIA car, second: I THINK I can sew, I can't and yet... I bought this book yesterday.

6. If I hear the theme song to Phineas and Ferb one more time, I might drink bleach!

7. Squinkies are taking over my home.  No, this isn't all of them...

 8. Apparently "Color Changing" fingernail polish is "very drippy", so drippy in fact, that as soon as your 7 year old opens it, she'll drip the turquoise goodness on  your (soon-to-be-replaced) carpet- She got lucky, this time!!

9. My BEST summer find (so far): $1 ELF lip gloss!!  Found these at Target and for $1 each, they're perfect to throw in your purse, glove box, bathroom, pockets, and junk drawers!! I lose lip gloss like crazy, I just don't feel as bad when they're only $1, plus I don't lose $1 lip gloss, I lose the $10 ones!

10. Even though it's heating up outside, don't forget about my 2nd Annual Hat drive for the kids in China!!  Please see the above tab for ALL the information.  But... I'm taking hats now and will until mid Sept.  The one change I'm making this year: I'm asking that you send .50-$1 per hat to help offset the shipping to China!  BUT: if you CAN'T send the $ still send the hat!!! or if you can't send a hat, feel free to send the $- we're easy around here!!
You didn't forget these sweet faces from last year did ya?
Hand-made, Store bought, these kids do NOT care!!
❉ ❉Sizes from baby to 15 year old kids accepted❉ ❉
You can always send them to:
D. Shellenbarger
c/o chinamommy
146 East Main Street
Caledonia, MI 49316
(this is my Mister's work address...)

Have a GREAT weekend!!


  1. Okay, so because I'm lazy, is there a way to link the hats to your Etsy account so that a person can "pay" for a hat there and then you buy it and send it to China for us? Or does that break all the rules. I just know that if I say I will send hats, I will possibly buy them but possibly never mail them to you. I'm just that kind of lazy.

    I need those lip glosses!

  2. If you can believe this...I saw the ring and thought "Wow, that is some bling"...and then i scrolled down and realized that what i thought was a ring prop was actually part of the ring. Lol.

    I'm gonna blog and post about your hat drive. That being said, do not let me forget. Seriously...

  3. Sounds like you hit the ground running for summer vacay (ha)
    I love to read cleaning books. I want Martha Stewarts.
    My dog is named Finneus after that show. I changed the spelling. Do not know the theme song though.
    I picked up ELF brushes for shadow and an eyebrow comb and tons of other stuff at Target.

  4. Love last Friday's randoms - yep, all you need is a parrot and you are good to go for the beach!

    Lip gloss -- love it and lose it too.

    The baby mold - I am very curious.

    Glad to know you are keeping up with random Fridays. The blogs have been so quiet lately. I am going to try to keep up as well.

  5. ♥The ring i think you should get it, or it's already yours? I never stops begging my man get me a sewing machine though i can't sew at all funny right! Just like you i'll self learn totally*hee hee...
    I'll cry if i lost any of my lip gloss because they're so expensive like the latest one i bought was Dior Addict!

    Like *Melania* said, is there any way we can pay for a hat and you buy it and send it to China? Like Paypal?
