More Good Stuff!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

10 Random Things Friday...

Whewww, it's still Friday, right?  Let me get started before it's Monday because "10 Random Things Friday" just won't make sense by then!!

1. The Mister ran his 1st (but not last) 5k this past Saturday!!  That's him crossing the finish line all in black.  
His time: 31:15!!

2. These were the potties at the Indiana State Fair, it ALMOST made me want to use them...almost!

3. We were at the Indiana State Fair on Wednesday.  The farm my Dad grew up on got their Centennial Farm Certificate thanks to the tenacious work of one of my cousins 
(Thanks Kate!! the cutie in the black and white checked dress)   
My cousins and I      

4. I was revolted to learn you can buy deep fried butter at the fair... you can buy just about anything deep fried at a fair!  We wonder why our country has a weight problem!
Seriously?  Deep fried BUTTER?

5. Darling and I channeled our inner hippie and did a little tie-dye this last week
 jelly roll a shirt then rubber band it and squeeze between the lines!

(note to self: the gloves are included for a reason!!)

6. DIY for Solid Perfume!

7.  An(other) Awesome blog I just found!!

8.  A man at our local bank last week
Live and Let Live, but seriously,  isn't he just a touch too old for this look?

9. My Darling always wants to dress alike
 but this might be a bit much...

10.  My 8 year old and our new (9 months) baby cousin
I think my cousin was afraid i was going to either eat her baby or just run off with her! She is like a little bag of marshmallow fluff (look at the little rolls on her arms!)!!! I am in love with both these girls!!

Ok, now that you're read 10 random things you can go enjoy your weekend!!
The summer is winding down here and soon I'll be back with a MUCH more active posting schedule!
**Don't forget about the hat drive for the kiddo's in China**
see all the details under the tab above or email me at: 



  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the pic of you and Darling!!! Eeeeeeeeek!!! Too cute!!

    That guy at the bank was hilarious. The things you see in public!! YIKES!


  2. Really fab glasses on K. - she looks very rock star. You look very porn star in the plaid....and I say that with love- you know that, right??? Great post1
