More Good Stuff!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

DIY Cupcake Stands from old dishes.

this Sunday,  the mister, darling and I are throwing a 50th wedding anniversary party for my parents!
50 years, no lie!!  they are among the few.
 i ordered "professional" cakes (due to the fact that my mother dropped some pretty obvious hints like "if you order cake, i like clara ____'s cakes".  my mother and her discriminating taste is fodder for another post). i also made SEVERAL mini cupcakes since I really am not sure how many people will show up-YIKES!
I knew i wanted some cute displays for the mini cupcakes but since i didn't have the carpenters from "Cupcake Wars" at my disposal, i went to goodwill.
If you wanna make your own, you're going to need:
1. saucers
2. plates
3. glass candle holders
4. E-600 glue

 these plates happened to have that little lip for the cups, but since they were iridescent, i knew they must be mine!

i found these glass candle holders for .99 each

Step 1: put the glue on the edge of the candle holder and press down onto the plate, let this set up for several hours.  after the plate is set, put glue on the other end of the candle holder and press the saucer into place.  that's it! 

because mine had that "lip", i had to off set my saucers, but i didn't think it made a big difference.

at the party we'll be serving mini cupcakes so i didn't need huge plates, but you could do any size you need.

i think they turned out pretty cute!
If you make some, let me know!!
Get yourself over to my pal Angela's blog for another cool DIY!!  She'll tell you how to do antique a mirror!!
pickles on pizza
**don't forget to go to Tuesday's post and enter my my memories suite 2 software GIVE-AWAY**


  1. You clever girl....this has just solved my problem for my show display!! Thanks so much for the inspiration!!!

    Your Wicked Friend

  2. Love it!! Love it!! How cute would this be for Christmas? Now I am going to be on the look-out for red, green, gold and white plates :D I can just see all of my Christmas candy looking pretty :D Thank you!!

  3. Oh and I forgot to say congrats to your parents on 50 years!!

  4. You are sooo cool with your clever tricks! These are cute! I love old plates and there are so many sets of mis-matched china out there waiting for a good use. Any chance of seeing these in your shop? Hope the anninversary is wonderful and you come home relaxed because it was fun and now its done!

  5. Oh yeah, and I think they are better because they are offset. Very artsy.

  6. You are a crafty little devil! That is so awesome for your parents, but the real question is whether they still like one another! That is my goal at 50 years together! Take lots of pics because we'll need to hear all about the party!

  7. I'm with Chris- I like them offset! They are adorable-love,love, love them!!! :) Happy 50th to your parents-what a wonderful thing to celebrate!!
