More Good Stuff!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

why, hello there!

contrary to what i thought friday, i did not die!  the mister spent a week in MT hunting elk, the only thing he came home with was one of his cabin mates cold.  guess who he shared it with?  i swear now that i am home, i am safe in my little bleachy world but whenever the mister or darling come home they bring germs that promptly attack my weak immune system! hack, hack-sneeze, sneeze! saturday i was able to sit upright, sunday i could cut fabric squares, sunday night i could crochet, and monday i did a little bit of stitching.  it's GOOD to be back!  i thought i would share with you what's on etsy now and available HERE: chinamommy

 oh and this guy.... the ink bled overnight-boo!!  NOT in the shop after all....i'm going to have to do a little more trial and error with the shrinky plastic!  dang, i loved this one!
and then something a little different....a double sided halloween pendant!
side 2
ok, i'm off to have coffee with a friend from high school!!  someone i don't think i've seen since...cough, cough....1987!!! 
(ps: hats are rolling in and it's not too late for you to join the hat drive!! see information above in the hat donation tab and come back tomorrow to see what's here so far!) 


  1. You know, I have often seen stitch art and thought of you....It seems to be a good match. I think we need a girls day where we sew strange things together and see what happens....

  2. ooooooh look at all the CUTE stuff you are making!!!!!!!!!! Glad you are not dead too.

  3. Okay so I am just now catching up on some blog reading (suggested by you, of course)-LOL!

    I love all of this stuff. These will be great Christmas gifts, too. I'm sorry that you've been so sick. I've been sick too and slept on my couch this morning from 8-noon, today. Yep, I felt like a big fat loser, but was productive in the afternoon-Hoop & Holla!!!!
