More Good Stuff!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hey Foxy Lady!

did you know madonna has a clothes line? no, not a rope in her backyard with a bunch of runway outfits hanging off dollar store clothespins!  a clothing line of clothes for us po' people that can never wear what she wears when she tells her staff to take out the trash!  i'm at Macy's the other day when i see a sweater with a fox around the neck 

and i say to myself "what would Clinton and Stacy say?"
i have no idea what they would say, but i said SOLD!
 and it kinda matches the bright highlights in my hair!

i think the sweater looks pretty stinkin cute with these shoes
cute? yes! comfortable? no!
i think the devil had a hand in the manufacturing of these little flats!
have you bought anything cute lately?
or weird?


  1. You look so foxy in that sweater!!!

    (Get it? Foxy!) LOL!!!

    Those flats are darling. Why is it that cute shoes hurt like ****?

  2. I like your hair, a lot.
    (this is mo, by the way)

  3. Lovin' the highlights! I love Clinton and Staci...although it has been a while since i've watched the show.

  4. I got 3 pair of Uggs from Santa (2 boots, 1 slippers) and they are so comfy and I wear them every day. Score.
    Old Navy fleece pants. Target cardis (on sale) and Gap Outlet stretch jeans. ( not all worn together)
    Love your hair. Not sure about the sweater.

  5. Hey sistah- did you know there's fox around your neck???
