More Good Stuff!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Holy Macaroni!

the last several days are a BLUR! we have a trip coming up and darling needed an american passport. i should have sent for one as soon as she came home from china, but i didn't because i am the queen of procrastination, especially if there is paperwork involved.  so anyway, getting an american passport for a child adopted from china is not super easy and you may, or may not, get a variety of information from the "help" line.  you might spend a lot of time downtown, needing cash to get paperwork, paying for parking, and running to 2 different buildings in the rain to get paperwork that you possibly won't need in the end.  yippeee, for super fun days like that!! then add in an unplanned snow day, a planned day off school, a day of skiing, a day of trying to figure out certain charges on your paypal account which includes having forgotten and resetting a variety of passwords and that would be me the last several days!  but.... i did start that project i found on pinterest, the subway art sign with this saying:
i took a large canvas and pretended to do some math on it so i knew how big to cut my letters. i made sure to get a canvas that was rectangle like the original sign since i wanted it to read the same.
 i painted the background a couple colors of turquoise but now wish i would have made this the top color, trust me, it is WAY too late to turn back!  i found one tip on getting the paint on a large canvas- use an old (unwanted) debit/credit card! i just squeezed a bunch of paint on the canvas and then smeared back and fourth with the card, soooooooooo much faster than the foam brush i was using.
 i am still in the process of sticking my contact paper letters down, this is the hard part! i started with the first word on the left, then the last word in the line on the right and worked into the middle. does that make sense?  i found it a bit easier to know how much space you were going to have in the middle rather than get to the end and have no room.  this is trial and error and is a bit tedious but i am nearing the finish line and it's looking so cute i can't wait to finish it!
if you want to know the details: i used a canvas that is 24"X36".  i drew the lines with a charcoal pencil and spaced them 2" apart.  the letters are made with contact paper and cut with my cricut using the alphalicious cartridge.  


  1. I love that! I have seen those on Pinterest and wanted to give it a try... one day... when I have time again :)

  2. Looking VERY cute!! I want to wait until you finish before I start mine. Just in case you have more tips for us.

  3. coool! I want to see it all done!!!!

  4. Very cute! You ar so creative. Sorry about the passport issues. That is one reason I never got one. I got lucky on my honeymoon and St. Lucia didn't require one at the time, and I've never gone anywhere else outside the country. However, one day I would like to and I guess I will get it then.

    Oh, and the red highlights are cute! I got red highlights put in my hair along with my blonde right before Christmas and again this time when I got my hairs did. I'm liking it but no one else has said peep about it (I almost typed 'poop') so I'm alone in my hair love. And it also doesn't like my crazy grays and lets them slide through at the root after very little time so it's going to be a short love affair. I love how yours are right in the front. So cute!
