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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hats to China update...

i just remembered i forgot to post these pictures... back in october i sent allllllllll the hats you sweeties sent for some little kiddo's in china.  i included a note and a camera, crossed my fingers and hoped we'd get some pictures.  christmas came and went and no pictures... and then a couple months ago i got a package in the mail, it was the camera!  i rushed the pictures to the store to get them developed because apparently it's still 1991 over here!  seriously, how long has it been since you've developed pictures at a store?  anyway, i got the pictures back and to be honest, they really weren't that great.  :(  i'm so glad they sent some, but the orphanage we sent to the previous year spoiled us by taking a ton of photo's with lots and lots of little kids.  the hats are for the kids though, so i'm just glad the package arrived and that their little melons are being kept warm!  
so, here are the pictures i did receive:

thanks to everyone that sent hats AND donated $$.  the donation this year cost just over $85 to ship to china!  WOW!!  i'll take hats and donations anytime (see the tab at the top of the blog) but i start the official collection in late summer....


  1. oh, my heart. Adorable. Wherever did you find a disposable camera?(wink, nudge)

  2. Oh, you break my heart! It's so sad to see all those babies when there are so many empty arms here in America! I especially hate to see the special needs kids, but there is a plan for each and every one of them, right!?
