More Good Stuff!!

Monday, September 14, 2009


Seriously, did you think a bear ate me in the woods while i was on our "camping trip"? IF you know me, you know i never even went near the woods! Get this though: I went on a canoe trip down the river & even i find that hard to believe. i have NO pictures ON the water because "someone" convinced me we would PROBABLY end up in the water... We didn't, and i was so sad i missed all the photo opportunities... My friend & i paddled that canoe for 3 1/2 hours... my arms were ready to FALL OFF!
Here i am at our friends camp site... you do realize i stayed at a hotel, right? Notice i'm wearing a big fluffy fleece hoodie?! It was FREEZING!! I felt so bad for our friends, it's was COLD and rainy except for the day we left... of course! See those folks behind me? The guy in the yellow... well by the next afternoon he was standing on that picnic table to wash his dishes, the table was pretty much an island in the middle of a huge puddle! Yep- their site was totally flooded, fun, hun??
The Mister brought his tent (not the kind you sleep in, the one over my head in this picture) & i thought that was weird, but apparently it often rains while one is trying to camp... which goes back to my initial reaction of this whole camping thing.... WHY?????????????? The tent behind me was our friends sisters and because it also ended up in the middle of a lake, they got a whirl pool suite at the local Days Inn!
The little fire that could... it was giving us everything it could despite the downpour...
The next day we went bowling... not my fave sport, and nothing i am good at!!! I've bowled a 38 as an adult... It was fun though and who doesn't love the shoes that strangers with foot funk have also worn? and the carpet in bowling ally's- always SO pretty... who wouldn't want "firework" carpet in their formal dining room??
When we got back from our trip our computer started acting funny- as in: shutting down every time you tried to turn it on... that's not frustrating at all! Turns out it had 17 viruses and 2 of them were impossible to remove. Did i save anything?? No, no, of course not! The guy working on it was able to get to my pictures- WHEWWW! i had thousands on there that i hadn't saved to disk or printed, smart, i know! So... now we have a new MAC and let me just say: GO GET ONE! My friends were telling me a mac was the ONLY option & within moments of walking into the apple store & talking with one of their self proclaimed "nerds", i KNEW i had to have one!! I'm NO computer genius and the fact these babies don't get viruses was almost reason enough to get it!!
Ok, that's it for today & i am SOOOOOO glad to be back!! I'm off to play with this mac & try & figure it all out :)
Have a great day friends, i've missed you!


  1. Welcome back, you were missed! I've been keeping up with you on Facebook but I miss your blogging. I fully realize we all have "real" lives outside of the blog world but I miss my regular blogging buddies. Glad you didn't float away!


  2. I am so glad you are back. I missed your funny posts!

