Well, so much has happened during that time that my computer took a big crap on us, i'm going to give you a quick re-cap & then we can move on... Look at me all "everyone hangs on every moment of my life like i'm Lindsay Lohan or Kanye West"
The Mister has been a gardening fool this summer! He's like a love child born of Martha Steward & June Cleaver! Growing, hoeing, and canning- that's what his summer has consisted of! Here's our little munchkin with a load of potatoes!
yeah, that's a glow stick in the freezer... don't you have one in yours?
Look at the mister all organized... did he grow up in Idaho? look how he loves those potatoes & groups them with their own kind! Don't you like how he draws a line with the gourds? and speaking of those gourds... he tried to feed us one! I kept saying "isn't that a gourd?" oh no, he was convinced it was some kind of squash... You don't even want to know how hard the skin on that baby was! YUCK! The bumpy texture is FAR from appetizing, that's for sure!
then of course was our "camping in a hotel" trip. While our poor friends sat around the lake-sized puddle in their campsite, we went to the hotel pool! And who loves them some 1980's style airbrushed dolphins? Why, i do, that's who!
and... if you're from the Grand Rapids, MI area you may have been lucky enough to see this roving piece of... ART?? It's often at Hobby Lobby where he's buying more supplies to pimp his ride! The day I saw it here, he was painting something about the New England Patriots on one side and the other side said "Bi-polar happens" & had a picture of Brittany Spears modge podged to the front fender. FYI: darling daughter was in the back seat snapping the pics for me since the owner was right there "working" on his car- don't you love how i have her going all "secret squirrel" for me? I saw the car again this past week & the New England Patriots had been painted over & MSU was having homage paid to them...
and since we now have a 16 year old, my VW bug changed hands & off we went to look for a "family car". We looked at a couple SUV's, but when i saw this big tomato red momma mobile, i knew she had to be mine! It's like driving a tank after zipping around in my bug for the past 6 years! It's a 1993 & runs like a top. It even has camel colored leather which has been something i put on my "must have" list. One night after we brought the ol gal home, the mister says "so how does it feel to get the vehicle you wanted?" The vehicle i WANTED?? I then had to remind him the vehicle i WANTED was the $83,000 white Range Rover that was still sitting on the lot teasing me with it's butter soft camel leather interior trimmed in black. Don't get me wrong, i love my volvo, but obviously the Mister was a bit confused... God love him though...
Hey, you know what you need? More potatoes. ;-)
I adore the older Volvos! I also adore the Range Rovers, Land Rovers and Land Cruisers.