More Good Stuff!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday and I'm headed out to sea! Headed out to Sea...howWing00tost

What dedication I have to my blog... Seriously, I am patting myself on the back, because it's Wednesday night April 21st and I'm Pre-blogging for the week!
Hmmm, am I sick, narcissistic or just this exciting?
Last year my mom freaked out (you know you did Mom!)  and thought I said I'd call in TWO days when actually I said I'd call in a FEW days... We were leaving Key West and weren't going to have cell service till we got back into US waters, or something like that.  She somehow got a poor travel agent (probably 2 days on the job and late to pick her 6 kids up from daycare) to hook her up with a web-cam on my boat and kept her eye on me the WHOLE WEEK!  So what.., I was in the hot tub drunk and naked, I'm over 21!  Ok, so that's totally an exaggeration, it was my husband!
Ok, so none of that is true, but she DID say she logged onto some boat camera.  Now if my mother tracking me down on the high seas and spying on me isn't enough to get me to undergo plastic surgery and move out of a 2,000 mile radius, I don't know what is!
All I'm sayin' is: you might want to check it out for yourself, I'm headed to Cozumel on Carnival Triumph! I promise to wave every time I see the camera's (like I don't do that all the time anyway!).
This is from last year and I hope to be doing the same thing this time this year...
but with better hair and maybe a cuter shirt...
Adios, I'm headed to Cozumel!
Tune in tomorrow for an old post you may have missed...

1 comment:

  1. Feels strange leaving a comment knowing you will not see it for a while!! I hope you are taking my advice and staying out of Progresso though LOL!
