More Good Stuff!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Ovaries are a HOT TOPIC of conversation!

Last winter when i still owned the pizza shop (Oh thank God that is gone...) I was headed to my accountants with darling daughter in the car & we're running late (of course) & I've fed her nothing for breakfast (of course) & so i make a decision to head into the Burger King drive-thru so i can get a "healthy" breakfast for my darling daughter & a coffee for myself (what is it about BK coffee?? so stinkin' good- 2 creams, thank you!). I'm at the 1st booth to hand over my $ & the gal with the "oh-so-cool" headset on says "Oh is your daughter adopted?" actually she whispers the word "adopted" - this cracks me up, people whispering "adopted", it's 2008 (I told you this was an old post!) people, "adopted" isn't a secret anymore & besides, my kid is Chinese... I don't think I'm going to fool her into thinking she somehow came from my uterus, or vagina or wherever the heck babies come from... YUCK! So anyway, I say "yes, she was born in China" to which girl genius replys "China? CHINA?" (did she think perhaps i found her in Chicago in Chinatown?). I say "Yep, China, China, I went there myself to get her". Now we've known each other about 12 - 20 seconds, so we're tight & she's feeling cozy with me (i guess...) and now she says "I think that's so cool when people adopt... why did you? is something WRONG with you?"... OMG!! I am not even joking!! I wanted to say to her "you bet there's something wrong with me, when is your break & how much time do you get because this ain't gonna be a 30 second story" then i realize by "something wrong with me" she means my "woman parts". How can i blame her for being so bold, we're close, i've given her my personal order for breakfast, i've given her my $4 & we've spent to much time chatting.... Luckily for this girl I have more than a great sense of humor... & besides I never wanted to give birth so whether or not the parts south of the border work... what the hell do i care?! So... instead of making her feel like the idiot she seems to be (or is she just an extreme "people person"... you decide) I cheerfully chuckle & tell her the truth "nope, nothing wrong, I just always wanted to adopt". I drive to the 2nd window, get my coffee & my sweetie's breakfast & away we go to the accountant to find out how much in the hole we are now.... Ahhh, good times my friends, GOOD times!!


  1. OH my werd!!! Is something wrong with YOU? THat's what I would have said. People have no tact. Are you bloggin' from the ship you silly girl? Hope you're having fun! Don't fall off. ;)

  2. There is that certain part in the brain that some people just don't possess no matter how hard we wish they did.

    Jillian Michaels (trainer from Biggest Loser) recently divulged the information that she also never wanted to squeeze humans from her perfect parts. So, you could say that she is totally following you since I heard you say it first.

  3. I just came across your blog and I loved today's post. I am going through the process right now of adoption - well, the very early stages - but I often wonder how I will react when people ask if my child is adopted. It's encouraging that you can stay light hearted even when others put their foot in their mouth!

  4. Next time, tell her you got her in Chinatown. For the sake of the blog and our entertainment. I want a Chinese baby girl but unless I kidnap one or go to China, it isnt going to happen. All we got in Chinatown was crappy perfume (ask Mel!)

  5. Hello! Im a first time author trying to promote my book! If you get a chance please take a look at my blog:
    Thank you!

  6. Well, that up there is a terrible way to promote!

    Anyway, people are so stupid!! Aubrey and I get asked all the time "How long have you been married?" We tell them almost 10 years and the next question is always "...and you don't have kids? Why?" Well, none of your business...

  7. Amber: i pre-blogged and set the date for them to post... cool hun? it was only $9,000 to blog from the boat so i was happy i figured out how to do this!!
    Mel: i am also a trendsetter to the stars!
    did everyone go read that gals book that she's trying to promote? wow- my blog has become a platform apparently!
