More Good Stuff!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Don't cry for me fellow bloggers....

Sung to the tune of:
"Don't Cry for me Argentina"
(you know you just went back and tried it, I DID!).
Girls, let me tell you... my allergies are KICKIN MY BUTT!
Snot is pouring down my face, my head feels like someone threw a brick at my face, I'm grouchy and I just want to sleep but I can't quit sneezing (think in reps of 12-15!)...
attractive, I know!
Yesterday I worked on my "chandelier" after my drugs had kicked in... let me show you what I've done so far... I'm finding it rather fetching if i do say so myself!
My little assistant, Rambo
She's helping me take my $1 store baskets over to get painted!
I chose French Lilac paint because it's going in my studio.

I've got them all wired together and hope to finish it up today...
Here is the one "Brassy Apple" did for her daughter's room!!
Click on the link below for ALL the detailed directions!
I like to think I'm pretty crafty, but who in the world see's these baskets at the $1 store and thinks:
I got mine at a store called "Dollar Tree".  Honestly, I've never really been into $1 stores, but I've been introduced to some of their benefits lately!  I just don't like to shop places where I'm pretty sure someone in a foreign country is cranking out this crap for .30 a week!

Even in my weakened condition (I know, "give you a break", right?!) I listed some things on ebay (my seller name is: chinesebabydoll).  If you're into rubber stamping (or just general craft collecting like the rest of us), check them out:

Most of them haven't been used, most are "Stampin' Up" brand and they all start at .99! I'm my very own $1 store right now!!
Happy Sneezing!

a little plug about my BABY HAT DRIVE 
As most of you know, my daughter was adopted from China and I left a little piece of my heart there.  I'm collecting hats to keep the children and babies warm in the winter.  Many live in orphanages that are without heat.
1. make a baby hat, toddler hat, or kid sized hat (you can take the non-crafty way out and buy one if you must)
2. email me at: for my address.
3. I'll take care of shipping them to CHINA next fall.
any questions- please feel free to email me!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sneezin', snottin',snortin', and shoppin'...

Months back my local weather guy, Bill, was kind enough to inform me that this would be the worst allergy season in centuries, or decades...a long stinkin' time!  He was NOT joking!  So pretty much I was trapped inside all winter and now...I'm staying in my plastic bubble till that white cottonwood crap stops blowing ALL OVER!  I keep telling the Mister I "NEED" to move to Hawaii- no calls have been make to shipping companies as of last night.  I just went to Walgreens to get my asthma med- did you see me?  The one with the red puffy eyes and nose?  Anyway, my asthma med was $361 (it's IS for 3 months, but still!), yes, three HUNDRED sixty one dollars!  Thankfully, my husband is on board with me continuing to breath!  While there, I saw an 80 year old couple getting into a baby blue PINTO!  I was going to snap a picture but some plumber in the mini van next to them was deep in conversation (and I felt weird just snapping a picture of them).  Perhaps he was warning them not to get hit in the rear- weren't Pinto's the ones that blew up when that happened?
Since I won't be leaving the house for a while, I've been cruising 
 this vortex, known as the internet and found this:
Beyond the Rack

I have more to say, but I'm working on a movie for Jamie Lee Curtis...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

REALLY Jamie Lee, you wanna see my poo?

Jamie Lee Curtis, although I love her children's books and she's a fellow adoptive mama, she bugs me! 
This woman is BEGGING me daily from the television to make a movie about my digestive system!
Really Jamie?? 'cause girl, you KNOW i would!!
If I eat her yogurt, I'm going to poop everyday in the easiest way!  Hey Jamie, perhaps it's TMI, but just because YOU are the one bringing it up... I'm all good in the potty dept, but... 
IF you really want that movie, you wouldn't have to twist my arm to hard...
Remember, I'm the girl with the
I ❤ to Fart
I would like to add...
what happened to my cute, glittery blog about crafts and etsy love?
I find it hard to stay on topic... NO, really???!!!!
Don't worry, I will continue to sprinkle glitter amongst my poo stories and don't worry friends, IF I make that Activia movie I will only make Jamie Lee Curtis watch it (while tied to a toilet in Mobile, Alabama... the one in the front yard of that guy I saw on Hoarders last week).
Speaking of Hoarders... do you watch this show?
It makes my husband CRAZY to watch it!  Want to know why?
This is our garage:
We're going to paint it this summer...
Yeah, no hoarding with this guy!
If you haven't seen this show, put on a wife beater, grab a bag of chips, move the stack of magazines from 1984 off the sofa and click this link:

Don't forget HOARDERS has a Memorial Day Marathon starting at 8 AM!
You know where I'll be!
Off to the $1 store, I'm thinking of making a chandelier out of wire pots... more later, or maybe not- you know how i am!

a little plug about my BABY HAT DRIVE 
As most of you know, my daughter was adopted from China and I left a little piece of my heart there.  I'm collecting hats to keep the children and babies warm in the winter.  Many live in orphanages that are without heat.
1. make a baby hat, toddler hat, or kid sized hat (you can take the non-crafty way out and buy one if you must)
2. email me at: for my address.
3. I'll take care of shipping them to CHINA next fall.
any questions- please feel free to email me!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

A wet t-shirt contest at Church is never a good idea...

My darling daughter was baptized yesterday, this is a big deal.  She's 6, she gets it.  When she was 2 1/2 or 3, I remember her calling to me from the back seat of the car.  "Mama, Mama... I have Jesus in my heart and it feels like angel's wings".  Out of the mouth of babes!
Yep, that's me on the right in my basketball shorts and grey shirt (or is it gray?).  I was going to wear my "I ❤ to Fart" shirt, but it's white and they warned us at the informational meeting that "due to INTENSE lighting, white clothing is NOT advised!"  Whewww...
They baptize the little kids 1st, which is nice... can you imagine how cold and DIRTY the water would be by the end?  You know me and my germ "issues"!  
We go to a big church....a huge church.  You may have heard of it, you may have heard of our pastor, Rob Bell.  I went over to youtube to grab one of his video's... boy, is there a LOT of hatin' goin' on out there!  Everyone has something to say, everyone wants to pick everything apart.  I think Rob is one of the few that gets the truth, but that's my opinion...
Anyway, give him a watch if you'd like.

After all the baptizing and lunch, it was time to get down to some good summer fun, because believe it or not... the sun is out in Michigan!!
 Whoo-hooo!  I'm going to enjoy it the next 2 weeks before the snow starts flying again! ha!
(those are shark holograms on her goggles- she doesn't have weird neon green eyes!)
and again...
a little plug about my BABY HAT DRIVE 
As most of you know, my daughter was adopted from China and I left a little piece of my heart there.  I'm collecting hats to keep the children and babies warm in the winter.  Many live in orphanages that are without heat.
1. make a baby hat, toddler hat, or kid sized hat (you can take the non-crafty way out and buy one if you must)
2. email me at: for my address.
3. I'll take care of shipping them to CHINA next fall.
any questions- please feel free to email me!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Can you buy a new brain at Costco?

Everyone is cranky here...well, not the Mister but darling daughter and I seem to be and did i mention my back window is down on my car and i can't get it up (that's what she said) and it's raining?!  Let's move onto breaking news, I have!
Poor Bret Michaels

he can't cut a break with his health, he's back in the hospital with a hole in his heart and a warning stroke.
Lindsay Lohan

is back in the USA but they aren't putting her in jail....what?  I know I'd be there trying to choke down a bologna sandwich while keeping Big Bertha's hands off me!
It's raining here and I need to go buy shower cleaner which I should have got yesterday.  Speaking of yesterday... I went to Target and got some black basketball shorts for myself 'cause i'm 4' 11 3/4" & the Piston's won't quit calling.  Plus I grabbed this...
is it a top? is it a dress? 
It's Iike the El Camino of shirts!
I then went to Costco to get Darlings school pictures printed.  I bought the CD which comes with a copyright release so I can print my own.  Oh they (the pictures) are too funny... the pose, the look on her face, the fact that her glasses are sliding down her nose! I couldn't help myself, I got an 11X14.

Anyway- I go into Costco and make my pictures, then I have to go out to get a cart, then I have to go out and get my coupon book, so I've just come in 3 times to the same store.  I shop, I check out, I remember I didn't pick up my pictures, I go in AGAIN.  The old guy at the door thinks I want him... He's over 50, I might!  The word on the street is, I have a thing for older men!  It all started in 4th grade with a little show called:
Magnum PI!!!!!!!!!!!
Mmmmm... delish!!!!
Come on Michigan girls... the Detroit hat?!
You're Welcome!!

So, after I got the pictures at Costco I remember I never got what I REALLY needed at Target, so I go back.  I've been to Target twice and Costco 4 times (plus their gas station once) and I didn't get any shower cleaner.
I hope you have a GREAT weekend- How could you not after that post?  It has celebrities, fashion, a darling girl, and an El Camino... is there anything more?  I think NOT!

a little plug about my BABY HAT DRIVE 
As most of you know, my daughter was adopted from China and I left a little piece of my heart there.  I'm collecting hats to keep the children and babies warm in the winter.  Many live in orphanages that are without heat.
1. make a baby hat, toddler hat, or kid sized hat (you can take the non-crafty way out and buy one if you must)
2. email me at: for my address.
3. I'll take care of shipping them to CHINA next fall.
any questions- please feel free to email me!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

*NEW* stuff

I finished my 1st hat for my baby hat drive and am almost finished with the 2nd.
Geesh, could someone brush this poor dog please?  Yorkie's lick constantly, his poor little face is always slicked back with his own spit...

 I don't know why I feel so lazy when I crochet but have no problem wasting 1/2 my day online.  I have SO many projects I want to work on from my
Even though I've kind of taken a break from etsy, I think I'm ready to jump back in a bit.
 I did make 2 new packets of paper cuts for my etsy store:
dragonflies with hologram wings
Down-on-the-Farm embellishment set.
Great for scrapbooks or card making!
Ok, I have to get groceries, learn to make a mobile, bug the Mister to get Eddie the Electrician to hook up my kiln, make my bed, put laundry away, and do all the things I've been putting off this week! 
Happy Thursday!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Super Duper Random stuff....

Nutra Sonic is HERE and let's just say... 
❤I'm IN LOVE!❤
I might have to start a scrapbook for the 2 of us
Mr. UPS brought her to me on Monday, but like a good girl I READ the directions!!  I found out it had to charge a full 24 hours...the waiting was torture- she taunted me from the counter, but...
it was WORTH the wait!  Did I mention I ❤❤❤ this!?
 My Dr. told me last year that after a "certain age" you should be exfoliating your face and let me tell you, this is the answer!
I got mine at HSN with free shipping- it was just under $120 and worth every penny!

This has been running around the internet and while cool... it amazes me when people LIKE to spend time in the kitchen...time preparing food.
I HATE preparing meals, I do it, but it is NOT something I enjoy.  I wish I didn't care and could just feed my family hamburger helper or hot-pockets.  Fun fact about me: I've NEVER had a hot-pocket.
Let me introduce you to JIM
 his blog is all about these amazing pancakes he makes for his darling daughter!
Here are a few images of his pancake art:

and are you ready for this one?...
AMAZING! and I like that purse on the counter...
So if you have nothing else to do, please make some of these and send me the pictures! :)
Do you think Jim works outside the home?

Anyone else recording LOST but watching GLEE like me?!
I've watched LOST since the beginning and since this is the end I'll have to see it through, but if there was no DVR, I would totally break up with LOST for GLEE!
Any other Gleeks out there?!
Happy Hump Day friends!!
WELCOME New Followers!!
a little plug about my BABY HAT DRIVE 
As most of you know, my daughter was adopted from China and I left a little piece of my heart there.  I'm collecting hats to keep the children and babies warm in the winter.  Many live in orphanages that are without heat.
1. make a baby hat, toddler hat, or kid sized hat (you can take the non-crafty way out and buy one if you must)
2. email me at: for my address.
3. I'll take care of shipping them to CHINA next fall.
any questions- please feel free to email me!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Whimsical, colorful etsy finds!!

Nothing going on today (and that is a GOOD thing!), so I want to share some really pretty finds from 
Each sellers store name is found BELOW their art, so please head over to etsy and check out ALL their gorgeous items!
MEOW!  I want one in my size!!
Now that is just C_U_T_E.... is it not?!

i love this necklace!
lavender... I've fallen in love with this color all over again! Love her whimsical style!!

honestly, this necklace looks good enough to eat!
again with the lavender.... aren't these cute?!
I happen to know this girl and is she a DOLL, super talented and a Michigander!
another uber talented gal from my neck of the woods!
aren't these adorable?? and... she lets YOU choose the colors!

Last, but not least...another Michigander!  I LOVE this photo- the shoes, the tights, the colors!!

and don't forget (you know I won't let you...)

 a little plug about my BABY HAT DRIVE 
As most of you know, my daughter was adopted from China and I left a little piece of my heart there.  I'm collecting hats to keep the children and babies warm in the winter.  Many live in orphanages that are without heat.
1. make a baby hat, toddler hat, or kid sized hat (you can take the non-crafty way out and buy one if you must)
2. email me at: for my address.
3. I'll take care of shipping them to CHINA next fall.
any questions- please feel free to email me!!