More Good Stuff!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sneezin', snottin',snortin', and shoppin'...

Months back my local weather guy, Bill, was kind enough to inform me that this would be the worst allergy season in centuries, or decades...a long stinkin' time!  He was NOT joking!  So pretty much I was trapped inside all winter and now...I'm staying in my plastic bubble till that white cottonwood crap stops blowing ALL OVER!  I keep telling the Mister I "NEED" to move to Hawaii- no calls have been make to shipping companies as of last night.  I just went to Walgreens to get my asthma med- did you see me?  The one with the red puffy eyes and nose?  Anyway, my asthma med was $361 (it's IS for 3 months, but still!), yes, three HUNDRED sixty one dollars!  Thankfully, my husband is on board with me continuing to breath!  While there, I saw an 80 year old couple getting into a baby blue PINTO!  I was going to snap a picture but some plumber in the mini van next to them was deep in conversation (and I felt weird just snapping a picture of them).  Perhaps he was warning them not to get hit in the rear- weren't Pinto's the ones that blew up when that happened?
Since I won't be leaving the house for a while, I've been cruising 
 this vortex, known as the internet and found this:
Beyond the Rack

I have more to say, but I'm working on a movie for Jamie Lee Curtis...

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