More Good Stuff!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

REALLY Jamie Lee, you wanna see my poo?

Jamie Lee Curtis, although I love her children's books and she's a fellow adoptive mama, she bugs me! 
This woman is BEGGING me daily from the television to make a movie about my digestive system!
Really Jamie?? 'cause girl, you KNOW i would!!
If I eat her yogurt, I'm going to poop everyday in the easiest way!  Hey Jamie, perhaps it's TMI, but just because YOU are the one bringing it up... I'm all good in the potty dept, but... 
IF you really want that movie, you wouldn't have to twist my arm to hard...
Remember, I'm the girl with the
I ❤ to Fart
I would like to add...
what happened to my cute, glittery blog about crafts and etsy love?
I find it hard to stay on topic... NO, really???!!!!
Don't worry, I will continue to sprinkle glitter amongst my poo stories and don't worry friends, IF I make that Activia movie I will only make Jamie Lee Curtis watch it (while tied to a toilet in Mobile, Alabama... the one in the front yard of that guy I saw on Hoarders last week).
Speaking of Hoarders... do you watch this show?
It makes my husband CRAZY to watch it!  Want to know why?
This is our garage:
We're going to paint it this summer...
Yeah, no hoarding with this guy!
If you haven't seen this show, put on a wife beater, grab a bag of chips, move the stack of magazines from 1984 off the sofa and click this link:

Don't forget HOARDERS has a Memorial Day Marathon starting at 8 AM!
You know where I'll be!
Off to the $1 store, I'm thinking of making a chandelier out of wire pots... more later, or maybe not- you know how i am!

a little plug about my BABY HAT DRIVE 
As most of you know, my daughter was adopted from China and I left a little piece of my heart there.  I'm collecting hats to keep the children and babies warm in the winter.  Many live in orphanages that are without heat.
1. make a baby hat, toddler hat, or kid sized hat (you can take the non-crafty way out and buy one if you must)
2. email me at: for my address.
3. I'll take care of shipping them to CHINA next fall.
any questions- please feel free to email me!!


  1. thanks for stopping by my Chandelier tutorial!

    good luck with your and please share a picture! I want to see! :)

  2. I love hoarders, but Hubby gets all pissy when I watch it because he wishes he had the time for our garage to look like yours. He likes order and neatness, but he has lost track of that with his stupid job. He used to clean the house on weekends while I would take the boys out. My friends laughed because he would dust the doorways and stuff. They thought I was so lucky, but they should look at his side of the room!

    I want to see the chandelier! I wish I had as much creativity as you all have.

  3. I watch Hoarders sometimes. I think it is so sad that people get attached to stuff!

    Did you see the one with the food hoarder and the rotten pumpkins?


  4. Yep, Angela, I saw the pumpkin one! I think it's sad too, about 1/2 way through I always realize my mouth in hanging open in amazement! I'm thinking it happens more than we know!
