More Good Stuff!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Art Supply outlet, say WHAT??!!

Yesterday Cheeky Green and I went on a quest, a quest to find the allusive "THE OUTLET"!  I'd heard stories but wondered if it was all an urban legend...  Well, after 3 hours of driving in a 2 mile radius of where we had eaten breakfast, the shaggin' waggon was out of gas (except when we went up a hill then the tank said it was 1/2 full... never trust a 17 year old Volvo with something to prove!).  We chugged into a gas station in the FANCY town of EGR - just ask them, they'll tell you!  They're a town full of fancy folk so be careful outsiders!  Anywhooo... Cheeky ran in to the station while I pumped the old gal full of gas.  Being the "GREEN" girl that she is, she didn't buy that map, oh no, she just stole a peek!  Back on the road, and within moments we were arriving in the toe of the ghetto.
We stopped off at Mahogany's Island of Beauty.
Cheeky got a weave.
Saw this cool folk art house
and then.... there it was, sun shining down on it from Heaven:
THE OUTLET!! (right across from Lee Auto- not to be confused with Lee's Auto-duh!).
Here's Cheeky with her goods.  Yes her mouth is open, she couldn't keep it shut long enough for me to get the picture!  I have no time for those quiet shy gals with nothin' to say!  When my friends and I are together, I like to think 9,437 stories are started and not a 1 is ever finished!
All the ladies shopping at THE OUTLET learned a valuable lesson today:

Some of my goodies:
wooden cherries for my cutie-cupcakes and some "doll" pegs.
.45 cents each!!
Elsie Flannigan
Claudine Hellmuth sticky canvas- anyone used this?  I don't know what to do with it, but you know I had to have it!  It's usually 12.99, they had it for $5.75 and 40% off that!  HELLO!!
some fun papers.
All their scrapbooking supplies are already at least 1/2 off and then they were another 40% off, so it was super cheap!!
I also got a whole set of crochet hooks so tiny you crochet thread with them... don't even ask me why!  WHY? Because they were $2, that's why!
And here's a little update on my kitchen remodel... 
The tile is the last part to be finished... well, the all new stainless appliances I'm dreaming of with be the last, but I still am working on that... :)
The 1st row is almost up.
the mess is makin' this girl a little crazier than usual...
IF you squint your eyes, you can kinda imagine what it will look like when it's done!
The mister has to go around SEVEN outlets!  So funny because I'm use to living in OLD, OLD houses where you're lucky to have 7 outlets in the whole house!
After these are all in place he'll get those glass tile accents put in... so excited to have this done and my kitchen back in order so I can (NOT) cook in it!

Film Festival in Saugatuck, Michigan this weekend!!
It's a tradition we do every year... so fun!  I'll try to get a lot of pictures- last year I took 1 of the Mister going into an porta-potty...I have NO idea why!
Are you doing anything FUN this weekend?  I hope so!
See you next week...if I'm out of the fetal position.  Darlings last day of school is today and the thought of entertaining an only child all summer is somewhat of a daunting task to say the least.  But then again, my friend- G.P. mama who has 5 gets the trophy (and the medal and the crown!!).
a little plug about my BABY HAT DRIVE 
As most of you know, my daughter was adopted from China and I left a little piece of my heart there.  I'm collecting hats to keep the children and babies warm in the winter.  Many live in orphanages that are without heat.
1. make a baby hat, toddler hat, or kid sized hat (you can take the non-crafty way out and buy one if you must)
2. email me at: for my address.
3. I'll take care of shipping them to CHINA next fall.
any questions- please feel free to email me!!


  1. Seems like a very odd part of town for an art store. I have a book by Claudine Hellmuth- I will see if she mentions the sticky canvas in it and let you know. Elsie F. I have read her blog for years! (Back when she was married to TJ and they had Cocoa...long before Jeremy and Suki...) Love her stuff!! I just bought an ad to go on her blog (I was going to anyway then she put them on sale last night! woo hoo) It will go up in July so we will see how that goes...

    Have a great weekend!

  2. oh yeah, that's the place I went to that made me think of all those movies where the white people accidently get lost in the bad part of town and then of course their car breaks down right in front of a group of animated people all wearing the same you won't be as afraid to go to Folk Art Gallery with me....what we won't do for our art...

  3. Wow !! You have a great bargain art supply.
