More Good Stuff!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Today it was all about ME!

I went shopping with a new pal and guess what I found...

A new Max Studio dress!

and who loves turquoise AND stripes??...
 does this make the deal sweeter, or what?
and even though it was kinda all about me, i know it is really about my darling too, so she got this cutie:
Hope you had a good day!
I'm going junkin' and health store shoppin in the morning!


  1. Great deal!! Love the dress! Can't wait to see what you find tomorrow!

  2. Hey, that red and white one is just like mine!
    It is a peasant shirt though.
    Love the dress and top!!!!!

  3. well, I hope my English is incredible.... LOL, is that the funniest comment or what?????

  4. I love me some Marshalls!!!
