More Good Stuff!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

New Fabric Cuffs by chinamommy!!

I've been working like a dog down in my studio to get these done!!
Eeeek, I'm really happy with how they turned out!

 Darling says the one below should be called "Ballerina"
 The cuffs turned out pretty tiny (we have abnormally small wrists in this house, so I'm headed down to make a "normal" adult size!).  These are best for XS wrists, even Darling can wear them!
They are approx: 7-1/2 inches from end to end and about 6-3/4 inches when closed (velcro closure).
 Ok, not a cuff, just something I made quite a while ago and have never taken pictures of!
Glittery faux Ice-cream cone...
with Swarovski crystals!

 Isn't my deck prettier with glitter?  Can't wait to get that old thing torn off for a 3 season room!!

 My name is Teddy and I eat glitter, don't be jealous of my gorgeous glittery dog poo!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ewww, looks like poo!

Mmmm... 5 Minute Chocolate Mug Cake!
Sounds easy, IT IS!
Pretty?  It isn't...
4 TBS: flour, sugar
2 TBS cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoon: milk, oil, chocolate chips (optional)
splash of vanilla
mix well and
Pour into large mug
microwave 3 min at 1000 watts
(the cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed!!)
allow to cool and tip onto a plate if ya want...
Smells good!
Ready for a bite?
(I know, I know... Darlings outfit?!?! LOVE IT!)
Yeah, so were we...
I wish I'd taken a picture of our faces after our taste!
It was kinda like a rubber cake that looked like poo and tasted like goo!
Aren't you glad I included the recipe for you??
(and a picture of my trash?  Poo cake, Turkey burger package and antibacterial wipes!!)
Ok ladies, smell ya later!
I'll be giving you a peek of my new fabric cuff bracelets tomorrow!!
In the meantime, take a look at the good stuff in my OpenSky Boutique...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The old grey mare, she ain't what she use to be...

So, I went to my 1st run last night, I was the only girl, I was the only one who hadn't run in years, and apparently the only one that had a giant spaghetti and meatball dinner BEFORE the run... but, I DID IT!!
4 1/2 miles!!  
No stopping, or puking, only 1 small fart, and no peeing my pants, all in all, I'd say that's a SUCCESS!
I LOVED IT, well, not while I was running, but Oh, the memory of how you feel after you're in shape and running!!  I'm in hopes that in 2 weeks it won't feel like my lungs wanna explode.
I've been saying I'm going to run again for years, I must say I am so proud of myself for taking that first step, which is always the hardest!!

Ok, let's talk a little bit of art...
ArtPrize 2011
Grand Rapids, MI... so worth the drive!!
Now, mind you, all the best pictures on my BEST camera which I STILL can't get to download onto my MAC... so go to the website (above) and check it out for yourself!!

Trust me, this in NO way highlights all of the extreme COOLNESS that is everywhere in my city!!
Ok, I haven't been keeping up with my etsy store AT ALL!  I have got to get it stocked for the Christmas season since I'm hoping to actually SELL something this year!!
That WOULD be nice...
Have a grand day and we'll meet back here later, ok?!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hat Donation Info...

a little plug about my BABY/KID HAT DRIVE
As most of you know, my daughter was adopted from China and I left a little piece of my heart there.  I'm collecting hats to keep the children and babies warm in the winter.  Many live in orphanages that are without heat.
1. make a baby hat, toddler hat, or kid sized hat 
(you can take the non-crafty way out and buy one if you must)
2. Send to:
David Shellenbarger
c/o chinamommy
146 E Main
Caledonia, MI 49316
3. I need them in my hot little hands BY Oct 31, 2010.
4. I'll take care of shipping them to CHINA this fall.
any questions- please feel free to email me!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Boo!! Another Ghost DIY!!

As much as I hate to see summer come to an end, it's that time of year again...

 Head over to the blog of Heidi Kenney (My Paper Crane) and get her cute tutorial for these little felt ghosts!
while you're there check out all her ADORABLE soft art!!
Have a fun fall weekend!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday GOOD Finds

Hey check out this GOOD STUFF from etsy!!
There is a link to their store right under each picture...go see their other stuff- it's amazing!
Arm warmers!!

Pumpkin Brulee with Pistachio Butter Soap

Halloween Print

Wicked Gorgeous!!

Wool Monster (baby) slippers

Spooky Witches Hat

Amazing costume!!

and because I know you want to know what I wore today...
don't be jealous!!
T-shirt from "Sick for Cute"
and no, the Dr. did not forget to cut off my umbilical's the tie on my pants!
Don't worry, I'm only running in this outfit and in the privacy of my own home!!
Have a fabulous weekend!!
**baby hat drive cut-off date is coming soon...Oct 31st!**

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I have wet socks...

I HATE messes, hard to believe if you knew me in college or before!  I spent part of yesterday washing all the lids of the condiments in my fridge... shut up, I DID!
Today I cleaned my carpet in the living room and Darlings bedroom (thankfully the only area upstairs WITH carpet!). 
and my front hall looks like this
see me waving at you?
Darling's room...
yes, that's me having a STROKE!!
stuff ON bed was stuff found UNDER bed...
Apparently she 
didn't read her chore chart, the one that says 
"Make Bed"
Anyway thanks to the devil.... errr, this guy:
I HAD to steam clean Darlings carpet...NEW CARPET!
Note to self: do NOT install new carpet and then get a dog, especially a YORKIE!!
Have a fabulous day, I'm off to RUN and then I REALLY hope to get in my studio while the carpet dries!!
don't forget the deadline for the baby hat drive is Oct 31, 2010!!
(see yesterday's post for ALL the details).
Email me at
for any questions or to let me know hats are coming my way!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

DIY Halloween Ghost project!!

Let me start by saying I DID go to my running club Monday, let me also say it was cancelled... Yes, I am going back again next Monday because they ARE meeting and they ARE running....4 miles!  The guys says "you can run 4 miles can't ya?" and I said "I guess we'll see, won't we!".  I just got off the treadmill...i can do 2, how hard can 2 more be?
Anywhooo... moving on!  
The cheesecloth ghosts I promised!!  Darling and I worked on these last night and if you have little ones, or hyper ones, or you're PMSing... run 4 miles instead!
This turned out to not be so great for little ones.  Darling is 7 and pretty mature so she did ok, but it is MESSY thanks to liquid starch!
Grab your supplies and lay down a layer of newspaper or better yet a cheap plastic table cloth!
tp roles, liquid starch, foil, wire, small bowl, wire, wire cutters, cheesecloth, tape, pointy thing and white spray paint (yeah I added 3 items after we gave it a go!).
Take your foil and make a ball, then take another bigger piece of foil, wrap over the head and and pull it down to a point.  Darling loved the foil wadding, so this is the part kids can help with (unless you have PMS then just do the whole thing yourself or someone is going to get hurt!).
The long point will go down in your tp tube
then take your "pointy thing" and put a hole on each side of the tube
Feed a piece of wire through the hole (you may have to remove your foil and then re-wiggle it down in around the wire).
I found that it was best to bend the wire up and tape around the entire tube...
add some foil to the "arms"
At this point it IS best to spray paint the whole thing white, I found the cheesecloth covered better, but you do NOT have to, you'll just have to add more layers to cover the foil and the brown paper.  Trust me, you wanna spray it!
Now this is where it gets MESSY!
Pour the liquid starch into your bowl (not your bowel as I've been known to type-ha!).
Those plastic lunch meat dishes work perfectly!
Fill it about 1/3 to 1/2 full.
Take your cheese cloth and drape it from front to back to see how long you need to cut it to cover from the front, up over the head, and down the back.  You'll also need to cut about 4 smaller pieces to drape over the arms- however long you want it to be- NO rules with this craft, well, except:
**don't drink the starch, chew on the foil, or do this with kids if you have PMS!**
After you have your pieces cut into strips, make sure you peel it apart- the cheesecloth is very thin!
Dip the cheesecloth into the starch and pull it up between your 2 fingers to ring it out.  It's a bit tricky to spread this out once it's wet, but you CAN DO IT!!  Lay it from front to back.
It doesn't matter it it's a bit long, better than too short!!  It looks more ghostly that way!  See how long I did the arm pieces?  The more raggy they hang, the better, so don't spread it all out flat!  Perfectionists-RELAX!!
It IS best to do several thin layers of cheesecloth than to get lazy and use it without peeling it into single layers- trust me!
Now, after you've covered it with a couple layers, pinch the sides in to hide the TP roll, cover the arms and add a few more layers so it's ALL covered.  After this you'll want to set them on something to dry, a cookie sheet with wax paper or ceramic trays work great!  If you don't have a ceiling fan going or a small fan, you might want to let it dry between layers.  Personally once I got into that starch, I just wanted to finish it up!!
We are going to try a test run by adding some glitter and felt eyes... I'll post the final finished project when it is...
final and finished!!
IF you make these, send me a link and I'll add you to the next post!

a little plug about my BABY/KID HAT DRIVE

As most of you know, my daughter was adopted from China and I left a little piece of my heart there.  I'm collecting hats to keep the children and babies warm in the winter.  Many live in orphanages that are without heat.
1. make a baby hat, toddler hat, or kid sized hat 
(you can take the non-crafty way out and buy one if you must)
2. Send to:
David Shellenbarger
c/o chinamommy
146 E Main
Caledonia, MI 49316
3. I need them in my hot little hands BY Oct 31, 2010.
4. I'll take care of shipping them to CHINA this fall.
any questions- please feel free to email me!!
and don't forget...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Fall Fashion 2010...

Yep, this is going to be short... REALLY short, but I've got to get downtown to the court house and try to squeeze some blood out of a turnip...
I love when you look up fall fashion 2010 and get this: sheer is in, underwear as outer wear, leather clothing is IN and cut-out clothing, then add in some velvet and military style and you've got me all worked up.  Isn't there a site out there for "Hey, I'm 40 (ok, 41) and I am a mom who wants to look hot, but not Pam Anderson hot, and not psycho like "leather cut-out" psycho....".  Throw a mom a bone, what the heck am I suppose to wear this winter?  I do want to share one trend that this northern-cold-hater is THRILLED about... SOCKS with heels and Knee socks with boots!!  

My feet are cold people- ALWAYS cold!  You will only see me barefoot when the temps rock 80+!
I believe this trend started last winter because you might remember, 
I gave it a go...
Any fantabulous fall fashion trends for those of you over 23?
Anything a MUST for your closet or have you just given up and are still sporting your velvet JLo jogging suit?
Speaking of velvet jogging suit...Tonight is my 1st running club run...
I'm nervous, I'll report back tomorrow if I don't end up at the ER, but if I do end up in the ER I'll be sure to take photos!!
Happy Monday and go put your socks on!!!!
and don't forget...
As most of you know, my daughter was adopted from China and I left a little piece of my heart there.  I'm collecting hats to keep the children and babies warm in the winter.  Many live in orphanages that are without heat.
1. make a baby hat, toddler hat, or kid sized hat 
(you can take the non-crafty way out and buy one if you must)
2. Send to:
David Shellenbarger
c/o chinamommy
146 E Main
Caledonia, MI 49316
3. I need them in my hot little hands BY Oct 31, 2010.
4. I'll take care of shipping them to CHINA this fall.
any questions- please feel free to email me!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Baby Hat Drive for children in China...

a little plug about my BABY/KID HAT DRIVE
As most of you know, my daughter was adopted from China and I left a little piece of my heart there.  I'm collecting hats to keep the children and babies warm in the winter.  Many live in orphanages that are without heat.
1. make a baby hat, toddler hat, or kid sized hat 
(you can take the non-crafty way out and buy one if you must)
2. Send to:
David Shellenbarger
c/o chinamommy
146 E Main
Caledonia, MI 49316
3. I need them in my hot little hands BY Oct 31, 2010.
4. I'll take care of shipping them to CHINA this fall.
any questions- please feel free to email me!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

What is happening to my SUMMER???

UGH!! Look at the tree in my front yard??
the turkeys in the back

The Mister's (almost) empty garden
The pumpkins

and pumpkin vines gone WILD!
A pumpkin fell off our porch last year, a few seeds got left behind and started to grow.  I pulled the plant out and threw it at the edge of one of my flower gardens...  It has TAKEN over!
Note to self: do NOT throw baby pumpkin plants anywhere NEAR flower beds, they will survive and go nuts.
It makes me sad to see the end of summer, but it makes me happy to see the beginning of fall fashion!
the little necklace clips on each side of the shirt!  this is GREAT for a little girl that doesn't like ANY think "scratchy".  She can't stand jewelry that "touches" her...
I've somehow failed her!!
Silly bands itch her wrists, necklaces pull the hair on the back of her neck, rings rub her finger...
Happy weekend friends and don't forget the deadline is approaching to send in baby/kid hats!
I need them by Oct 31st-Boo!
(I'll post all the info tomorrow)
Remember: they do NOT have to be HANDMADE!! 
(for you craft know who you are!)