More Good Stuff!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

DIY Dirty Door Coat Rack!

Yeah, I know this is a totally Christmas DIY....I keep meaning to give you some peeks at my tree but don't ya know that power strip from 1974 finally took a dirt nap!  Yeah, worked my butt off decorating 10 feet of green plastic and only lit it twice...
Anyway, I have a cool Cottage Style DIY that just about anyone can do!
My Darling is TINY and can't reach any of the coat racks in the house without dragging a foot stool out!  So everyday the boot box looks like drives me nuts!
 I bought 5 hooks weeks ago and was going to have the Mister screw them to a piece of trim and make a coat rack, but then..... Inspiration struck!  Just like the guy a few weeks ago at this place we love to eat breakfast... he came charging out of the restaurant (as we were headed in) shouting "I JUST GOT MY NEXT GREAT IDEA!!!"  So now I often shout this randomly.
Ok, 1st you need an wood door, it could be a house door like mine, an old cabinet door, or even an old shutter... This was in the basement of my old house years ago and I drug it with me when the Mister and I got married.  Check trash day, you'll sometimes find this stuff laying by the curb!  Yours doesn't have to be dirty but believe me, mine was covered in 84 years of dirt....
Decide which side is "best", we used the other side that had less paint peeled off.  
Next you'll need some hooks, I got mine at Lowe's or Home Depot, but Hobby Lobby has a GREAT selection!
Decide where you want them placed, think about how long coats are and where they'll hang.  We put one on each side of the window and then 3 in the middle below the window.
Now the Mister just needs to get some long screws so he can hang it onto the wall's kinda heavy!
And the boot box...
Now, I just have to get this cabinet painted and tile on the floor and my laundry room will be all done!
Happy Friday!!


  1. Very cute!! I would paint the glass with chalkboard paint to make a little "reminder" board above the coats...

    ...but I have a addiction to chalkboard paint so I generally want to paint everything with it :)

  2. Oh, that is an AWESOME idea!!! I was going to using etching paste and do a word, but your idea is WAY better and I even have some in my studio!!!!!!!
    Thanks lady!

  3. Love it. Nice way to recycle something headed for the dump.

  4. Now this is wonderful!!!

    Merry Merry!
